

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺.教务长兼学术事务高级副总裁


As we get ready to start the semester again next week, I would like to provide some 与新型冠状病毒肺炎规划有关的最新情况. 如你所知,新型冠状病毒肺炎在不断变异, 在世界各地制造新的菌株. 最近的一种菌株,德尔塔变种, 对全球卫生保健系统提出了新的要求. 与圣克拉拉县一致 guidelines, 菠菜网lol正规平台 has re-established a mask mandate for all indoor activities. 此外, 菠菜网lol正规平台 is implementing mandatory 新型冠状病毒肺炎 testing effective August 23. 选择退出 testing 校园 community members must attest that they are fully vaccinated and provide 他们完全接种疫苗状况的文件. (请注意,对于员工,as of today, this testing requirement applies to non-represented employees and CSUEU 和SUPA员工. Other unions, including CFA, are still in meet-and-confer consultations 关于测试程序.) 到9月30日, all members of our community must be vaccinated (with exemptions for religious and/or 医疗原因). 有关细节已在周一的《菠菜网lol正规平台》上概述 总统的消息

As of August 10, 94% of reporting students have attested vaccination (that is on a 报告总数约占学生总数的60%). 教师们目前 reporting just over 98% vaccination (with 83% reporting), while staff are reporting 95.5%(82%的报告). 请注意,总统的信息概述了最后期限 for vaccination 验证 based on the time it takes for the FDA- and WHO-approved 疫苗生效. 我很高兴我们采取了双管齐下的战略 保护我们的校园社区. 接种疫苗已被证明是最有效的 前进道路. Coupled with a masking requirement, we are 准备 to continue to do what we have for the last 18 months – create a safe learning environment in the context 公共卫生危机.

As you know, 校园 staff in general have joined our essential workforce on 校园. We need to acknowledge and remember how important those essential personnel have been, 即使我们中的许多人都在远程工作,也能在校园里工作. Our staff colleagues who have started coming back to 校园 expect that faculty will 今年秋天加入他们吧. Our residence halls are almost full to capacity and the majority of two student cohorts (Fall 2020 and Fall 2021) are joining us 在这里 for the first time. 他们在寻找 我们的社区和联系也是如此. 我们会有 许多户外活动欢迎教职员工 去我们的校园. 对于新生和返校学生, 2021秋季欢迎周 programs and 事件 scheduled from August 16 to September 22 will launch to provide 支持他们进入上海州立大学. 我希望你们都能参与其中  事件. 

I know t在这里 are a number of questions about some 校园 protocols as it relates to 新型冠状病毒肺炎. 我将在这里讨论其中的一些问题. 更多的问题在 常见问题解答,可以找到 在这里.


Individual faculty who wish to request a change in course modality because of a needed 个人住宿必须向移民局提出申请 就业服务资源中心. Changes to course modalities will only occur if t在这里 is an approved accommodation 大意是. If you have issues related to childcare due to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 related school/daycare closures, you should contact Yazmin Perez, Interim Leaves Manager, at yazmin.perez@glass-ink.com 讨论休假计划的资格. 

Any change in the course schedule must also go through the standard process, which 需要相应院长办公室的确认. 只有经过这样的批准 教室和课程安排可以改变模式吗. 在获批准的住宿情况下, 院长会支持这一改变. 

A change in course modality may mean that students with disabilities must modify their 在你的课程中取得成功的住宿. 请鼓励这样的学生联系 无障碍教育中心,网址 aec-info@glass-ink.com 如有需要,可提供协助.

班级模式也可能受到重大疫情的影响. 在那种情况下,校园 有爆发控制计划吗. 它在下面的常见问题解答中有链接. 


Current Public Health Guidelines recommend vaccination requirements and indoor masking 以抑制新型冠状病毒肺炎的传播. 目前,他们不建议进行身体检查 距离. Our strategy to maintain 30 minutes between class periods allows for the recirculation of the air system at least three times before a new group joins a classroom. 


Every一个 is expected to comply with the indoor mask mandate as well as vaccination 验证. We made it through last year with classes on 校园 and with a very 高度符合口罩要求. 我相信我们的学生社区会继续下去 to protect each other, and that our faculty and staff will do the same.  大学 Personnel will be involved in formal consequences for employee non-compliance--and note that any formal consequences of non-compliance by represented employees are subject 与我们的工会达成的和悬而未决的协议.  学生行为问题 由学生事务处管理. 我们提出了与疫苗接种有关的强烈信息 验证. Student Affairs is also identifying processes for managing students 不符合掩蔽要求的. 


I wish my message going into this semester was “we are finally out of the woods.” 不幸的是,事实并非如此. 也就是说,圣克拉拉县报告了一些 the highest vaccination rates in the country and our students, faculty, and staff 是否符合接种疫苗的要求. 最新的数据 流行的变体 展示了2019冠状病毒病的动态情况. 我知道我们会继续下去 to come together around other protocols, such as the masking requirement, as we continue 以适应新型冠状病毒肺炎的传播. 

We have to remember that some colleagues on 校园 have young children at home, who have not been able to get the vaccine, or other care responsibilities. 如你所想 about your own practices, please be reminded of the intersections of 菠菜网lol正规平台 with other 社区也是如此. 

We are monitoring the situation every single day and making adjustments in response to public health requirements and the larger guidance from entities, such as the CDC, 世界卫生组织和我们的CSU系统. 我们可能需要再次改变路线. 如果我们这样做,我们就会 准备. 我们是一个有弹性的社区. 但是,每个人都很累,压力很大, 和关注. Please be sensitive to folks as they begin to make their way back to 校园. 
