Fall 2021 课程安排 is Live

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺., Provost and Senior VP of Academic Affairs


2021年秋季课程时间表 现在是直播. With the health and safety of our campus community serving as our guiding principles throughout this pandemic, we have assembled a schedule that provides students opportunities to attend classes in person, fully online and in a hybrid modality. 


  • 的 fall 学期 will be a transition from a COVID-19 world to a post-COVID-19 一个
  • 秋季课程安排:
    • is designed with health and safety as a primary consideration
    • has a mix of modalities to “meet students where they are”
    • looks different than previous 学期s - longer breaks between classes - to reduce airborne risk of COVID-19 transmission
    • is still being built and there will be some changes, so please check it often between today and when it schedule opens for registration
    • will not dramatically change over the summer once the schedule is finalized - classes offered in-person will stay in-person
  • Please continue to be patient, flexible, and kind to 一个 another as we respond to ever-evolving public health guidelines
  • Updates will be forthcoming over the summer months

I want to thank the deans, department chairs, faculty, and staff who have worked tirelessly over the past few months to assemble a course schedule that will allow us to safely bring a large number of students back to campus.

Navigating the course schedule process

To promote good airflow and thereby reduce the risk of spread in on-campus classroom activities, 菠菜网lol正规平台 has adjusted the class schedule to allow for more time between classes 在白天. 的re is now a 30 minute buffer between course times for the fall 学期.

We understand there may be students who will need to take an in-person course followed by an online or hybrid course, with not enough time to make it back home. 我们将 make space for students to sit, access WiFi, take online and hybrid classes, or study. As we finalize those spaces on campus and the process for reserving a space, we will share with the campus community.

查看 课程表网站, pay close attention to the “Mode of Instruction'' column in the schedule. 它列出了 each class as In Person, Hybrid or Fully Online. 的 comment column on the right side of the course schedule provides more detail about the mode of instruction. 例如, the note for a hybrid class might say “HYBRID - 2 Meeting Patterns: (1) designated in person with day/time meetings; and (2) NO designated online day/time meetings (TBA).” 

Courses that are asynchronous fully online will list “TBA” in the “Day” column, whereas courses that are synchronous fully online list the days and times you would engage 与班级通过Zoom. Hybrid classes will have multiple entries in the “Days” and “Times” columns, 一个 for the in-person 部分 of the class and 一个 for the online 部分.

下面是来自的例子 course schedule available online.

Thank you for your continued patience, flexibility and kindness. 我们期待着 to a fall 学期 that safely allows more activity on the campus.

Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs