
The Office for 教师的成功 partners with the 教师发展中心, 大学人事和教师服务,和 多元化、公平和包容办公室 to provide training for all faculty involved in the retention, tenure, and promotion (RTP)过程. 

The training is delivered asynchronously via Canvas; it can be accessed at any time 使用你在上海州立大学的证书.

RTP@菠菜网lol正规平台: A comprehensive repository of materials and resources you are encouraged to explore 在你准备档案审查的时候. RTP candidates are highly encouraged but not 必须修这门课.


  • 政策和程序概述;
  • 关于起草令人信服的案例的指导;
  • Suggestions for leveraging the features of e教师; and
  • 你的同事分享的样本档案.

你也可以向 教师发展中心 for individual and confidential consultation on your materials and/or experience in RTP进程.