


发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺.教务长兼学术事务高级副总裁


The campus has been taking a number of actions related to the growing spread of Coronavirus 美国的新冠肺炎疫情. 当我们在解决教师们的问题时 通过 菠菜网lol正规平台lol菠菜网正规平台编辑室的常见问题解答, I think there is value in disseminating more detailed “next steps” here. 对于大多数 up-to-date information, of course, please continue to go to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Newsroom COVID-19更新和咨询页面.


There is an ongoing effort to sanitize as many public spaces as possible, including 教室、键盘、鼠标、显示器等. 以尽量减少COVID-19的传播 就像其他疾病一样,比如流感. 当然,这很难做到,因为 清理工作的大小、广度和范围. 因此,教师受到鼓励 to remind students about best practices to minimize the spread of COVID-19, including handwashing, covering when sneezing or coughing, or, in worst case scenarios, the use of self-quarantine and testing should they suspect they have been exposed.


If a student does self-report potential exposure (via email, for example), please 立即联系你的主席和院长. 主管应该推广这方面的信息 to our office so that we can inform the Cabinet and our Emergency Operations Council (转换端). We are developing a number of different approaches to managing a case on campus, 如果有的话. Please support those students by providing them a flexible way to access course content and assessments should they need to stay away from campus.


教师 should also be aware that there are options to teach their entire class remotely for a period of time to reduce exposure if that is warranted by changing conditions 在这个地区和校园里. 教师应该联系他们的系主任 and garner approval - before making any wholesale change in course modality.


校园有一页描述 如何在类中部署远程策略. 这包括几个 在线 下个月的培训课程: 


3 p.m - 远程教学系列:画布20分钟工作坊


9:30 a.m - 远程教学系列:缩放20分钟工作坊

中午, 远程教学系列:为画布创建讲座视频!


11 a.m - 远程教学系列:为画布创建讲座视频!
3:30 p.m. - 远程教学系列:缩放20分钟工作坊


9:30 a.m. - 远程教学系列:画布20分钟工作坊

If 教师 Cannot Attend 类 for Extended Period of Time

If a faculty member contracts COVID-19, we may need to assign or hire other faculty 来支持他们的课程. All faculty are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to upload all grades, syllabi and assignments to Canvas for easy access to course materials for students 和其他人. At a minimum, preparing clear guidelines and all course materials in advance (even in analog form) will help a colleague who may have to fill a class in your absence. Also, if there are video presentations that can be filmed in advance, those should 上传(或存档在可访问的地方). 大学人事(408-924-2450) 能协助处理任何病假相关问题吗. 


For faculty with autoimmune or other underlying conditions that might increase risk to contract COVID-19, we encourage those faculty to contact their health care providers 的建议. Should you require accommodation or leave, please contact the Employee Accommodation Resource Center at 408-924-6000 or University Personnel at 408-924-2250. 

Impact on the Student Experience in Clinical Placements and Internships

There may be an impact on student clinical placements and internships as well. 鉴于 that this may impact the success of a student in a program, faculty are encouraged to work with their dean’s office as well as the Office of Undergraduate Studies and/or the College of 研究生学习 on how to manage those programmatic changes.


There are already a number of countries that are banned from travel by the CSU system. We will ensure that every一个 is kept up-to-date on those places. 也就是说,减少 all international travel is strongly recommended given the current global climate 与COVID-19有关. We request that any international travel, therefore, be absolutely 必要的,并在个案基础上批准. 事情变化很快, so faculty might end up returning from a country that now has a travel ban (leading 到需要自我隔离时). 请在FTS中包含理由作为…的一部分 校园审批流程. 

We make the same request for n一个ssential domestic travel – be thoughtful in how you 旅行和地点. Certain parts of the country are starting to report more cases than 其他人. Please continue to monitor your travel (and the required travel of your students) 如果不确定,问问院长办公室.
