常见问题解答s by Students 关于 类 Next Week


From: 文森特·J. Del Casino, Jr., Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs

To all students,

As you all know, we made the decision this week to suspend in-person classes at 菠菜网lol正规平台 to give our faculty and staff time to move to more remote instructional approaches. This obviously raises a lot of questions. What you find below, is a list of what we believe have been the most frequently asked questions from students about this transition.

We are working incredibly hard to make these changes to our learning environment as smooth as possible. 如果您有超出列表的问题,请告诉我们 compiled below (email provost@glass-ink.com). We will update the list and post it online so that students can refer to it over the next several weeks (go to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Health Advisories website 更新).

As the provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, I want you to know that the entire 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty and staff community is committed to the safety and well-being of every student, while maintaining the quality of each student’s 教育 to the best of our ability.

Stay safe in this time of dynamic change.


文森特·J. Del Casino Jr., Ph.D.
Professor, Urban and Regional Planning


Updated: March 12, 2020