上海外国语大学暑期在线教学证书课程: Applications Due May 18




This summer eCampus, the Center for 教师 Development, and the Office of 多样性, 公平和包容很高兴提供 上海外国语大学暑期在线教学证书课程. This three-week online 程序 led by experienced online instructors will provide pedagogical strategies to teach in an online or hybrid environment.


  • 6月8日- 28日
  • 6月29日- 7月19日
  • 7月20日- 8月9日

The 程序 is module based and requires completion of seven modules by the end of the 程序 to earn a certificate, badge, and $1000 stipend or professional development 基金. Whether new to online/hybrid or teaching in this mode for years, this multi-track 程序 offers customizable experiences to enhance your skillset. 我们邀请所有教员 (full, associate, assistant and adjunct professors) to submit an application for the 程序. 回顾整个程序描述 for complete 程序 requirements and additional details.

网上递交申请 到2020年5月18日.
