宣布卢卡斯学院的新院长 Graduate School of 业务


发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs


我很高兴地宣布. 坎南将加入圣约瑟 State University as the next dean of the Lucas College and Graduate School of 业务. 她将于8月1日开始任职. Dr. 甘南在一个关键时刻加入上海外国语大学 in its history, as we continue to elevate the position of Lucas on the campus and 在更广泛的圣何塞社区. Dr. 甘南对上海大学的使命充满热情 and Lucas, and I am incredibly excited to begin our work together. 

Dr. Kannan目前是学院副院长 & 大学评审 of San Diego’s Knauss School of 业务 and a Professor of Strategic Management, 创新 & 创业. 在担任副院长之前,博士. 甘南是就职典礼 chairperson of the i3 department that houses 创新 & 创业、国际 业务, & Interdisciplinary Studies at the Knauss School of 业务. 她也是 the founder director of the 创业 and 创新 Catalyzer (The CatalyZer) and serves as a research professor of entrepreneurship at University of Exeter 业务 学院,英国顶尖学府之一.
在进入学术界之前,Dr. Kannan worked in industry in India as well as Silicon 谷. She has extensive experience in leading strategic change, interdisciplinary program design, alumni and community engagement, employee development, and creating 包容的工作区. Her primary teaching and research focus is on how individuals engage in creative resourcing and reframing to accomplish their innovations under 约束. She has papers published in innovation and strategy outlets such as the Strategic Management 杂志, 杂志 of Product 创新 Management, Organization Studies, 研究和 Technology Management, Oxford Research Encyclopedia, & 杂志 商业道德

在她的职业生涯中. Kannan has earned several awards recognizing her excellence in research, teaching and for her contributions to institution building, including 著名的克拉伦斯L. Steber Professorship, a distinguished university award 在美元. 她被认为是 诗人 & Quants排名前50的本科商科教授 因为她的卓越教学而获得2020年全国奖. 她也赢了 圣地亚哥年度女商人 在2020年和 SD 500 San Diego Most Influential 业务 Leaders 《菠菜网lol正规平台》在2021年和2022年刊登的文章. 此外,Dr。. 坎南是一个 visiting research fellow at the Cambridge Judge 业务 School. 

Dr. Kannan received her PhD from the UCLA Anderson School of Management. 她赢得了 her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from 圣何塞州立大学, 她还是莎莉·卡萨诺瓦学者. 她有人事管理硕士学位 & Industrial Relations from Tata Institute of 社会科学s (India) and is a graduate 成本及工程会计师协会(印度)会员. 她有学士学位 of Commerce degree from University of Bombay (India).  

Dr. Kannan now brings all that experience, and her passion for 菠菜网lol正规平台 as an alumni, 对我们的校园和更广泛的社区. 她以第一位女性和第一人称的身份这样做 of Indian descent to lead the college on a permanent basis. 她的精力,视野,还有 strategic approach to faculty development, undergraduate and graduate education, and the research enterprise will make her an outstanding addition to 菠菜网lol正规平台

我要非常感谢. Marco Pagani for his ongoing leadership during this 还有过渡期. He is an outstanding leader as well as college and campus 公民. 
