菠菜网lol正规平台在线 Instruction Syllabus Guidance Fall 2020

Sent: August 13, 2020

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺., Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs


As we approach the start of the fall semester, we are excited to see the creativity that you have brought to rethinking and redesigning your courses for an online environment. We know that you have been working hard to develop an excellent remote teaching and learning experience for all of our students. They will benefit immensely from your 努力.

In accordance with guidance from the CSU Chancellor’s Office, we are providing additional Online Learning Syllabus Guidance for Fall 2020. 一套 常见问题和资源 on remote proctoring and alternate assessments for faculty is also provided. 教师 are encouraged to consider alternate assessments, issues of equity and privacy, and necessary disability accommodations in a virtual environment. 

These documents provide suggested syllabus language on topics such as Zoom privacy and online proctoring. We also encourage you to review the Best Practices information on academic integrity in online courses provided on the 在任何地方教 网站. 

Information on these topics is also available for students in the 常见问题解答s area of the 学习在任何地方 网站.
