Part-Time, Seasonal, Temporary (PST) 退休 Plan

The Part-time Seasonal Temporary Plan (PST) is a savings plan created by federal law for employees who are not members of a retirement system. PST退休计划 provides an opportunity for employees not covered by Social Security or by the California Public 员工’ 退休 System (CalPERS) to save for retirement.

员工 not covered by Social Security and excluded from participation in CalPERS must participate in the PST Plan. You may be automatically enrolled if you are:

  • part-time employee who works less than 一个-half time
  • 季节性员工
  • temporary and intermittent employee who works less than six months, or 125 days if employed on a daily basis, or less than 1,000 hours in a given fiscal year, if employed 按小时计算
  • a half time employee who has less than 一个 academic year of credited service

As a Part-time Seasonal Temp (PST) employee, you are automatically enrolled in this federally mandated PST 退休 Plan. While you are a PST 员工, 7.你的5% gross pay will be withheld from each of your paychecks and deposited into your PST 账户. For further information on the PST Program, please visit the 储蓄+ 网站或电话 
(855) 616-4776.
