
发送: 2020年3月30日
来自: 圣何塞州立大学


With spring break beginning today, consider where you may be planning to travel, whether 它在美国.S. 还是在国外. 重要的不仅是保护你自己和你的家人 safe, but we also have a social responsibility to engage in practices that can help 使COVID-19曲线趋平. 我们祝你一周平安健康. 

菠菜网lol正规平台 also has updates that pertain to employee options given the extension of K-12 school closures until May 1 and events for the rest of the spring semester.


Although the Santa Clara County shelter-in-place order is currently set to lift on April 7, six counties have informed students and their families that K-12 public schools 将一直关闭到5月1日. 如果避难所的命令有变化, we will advise employees of options that are available to them depending on the nature 在这些变化中.

的 Chancellor’s Office has enacted an administrative leave program, effective March 23, providing 128 hours of leave to all benefits-eligible employees (not including 辅助员工)和所有学生员工. 对于那些有照顾孩子责任的人, this leave can be applied when an employee is required to be at home with a child or dependent, and it is not operationally feasible for the employee to work remotely 或者与照顾孩子的承诺结合起来.


原定于4月和5月举行的活动已被取消. 唯一的例外是事件 that were previously postp一个d or have moved fully online, like Admitted Spartan Day. In addition, Hammer 的ater will continue to live stream some of their events, while 其他的已经被取消了.

As the month of March comes to a close, here are a few reminders regarding support 远程工作,薪水,变焦炸弹和设施关闭.


Telecommuting employees are responsible for their home workspaces and services. 的 computer lab on the first floor of Clark Hall is closed until further notice. 为了方便 远程工作, employees may borrow laptops and peripherals from 菠菜网lol正规平台 IT. 更多的 有关资料载于 在任何地方工作.

To borrow 菠菜网lol正规平台 property directly from departments, employees must complete the 物业结帐表格[pdf] 并接受部门/单位经理的授权. 任何购买请求 would need to be approved by the department and follow the Office of Procurement purchasing 购买前须知. 

Before making any purchases for equipment related to remote teaching and learning, 教师必须获得院长办公室或部门副总裁的批准.


提醒一下 March (live) paychecks will be available for pick up on Wednesday, April 1. Employees with direct deposit will continue to receive their pay as scheduled. 为 those who do not have direct deposit, University Personnel South (UPD Building/3rd 一楼)每天(周一至周五)9:00-10:00开放.m. 为员工 谁希望领取他们的生活工资. 员工必须携带带照片的身份证件 只拿自己的支票. 为避免延误付款,我们强烈建议 办理直接存款. 如对实际工资有任何疑问,请致电 408-924-2250.


正如在 3月27日校园短信:“急速轰炸” has become a new trolling attack in the wake of a switch to teaching, learning and 远程工作. In response to complaints about Zoom-bombing, Zoom recently changed the default setting of scheduled Zoom meetings for educational customers. 放大了 the default screen sharing setting from “All Participants” to “Host Only.“人们 hosting the meetings (including existing scheduled meetings) may always, within their meeting, grant any or all attendees sharing rights after the meeting has started or override the default when scheduling by clicking the “All Participants” button.  

Zoom提供了 文档 关于改变是如何运作的,以及它对你意味着什么. 



的 Diaz Compean 学生会 will be closed during Spring Break (March 30-April 3)将于4月6日重新开放. 由于关闭,斯巴达食品储藏室也将 be 本周结束.



As a reminder, please continue to visit the 菠菜网lol正规平台 健康报告 website for information, 关于COVID-19的建议、常见问题和资源.