Santa Clara County Moves to Red Tier Effective March 3; Updated Vaccination Information

Sent: March 3, 2021
From: President Mary A. Papazian

菠菜网lol正规平台 campus community,

从今天起,圣克拉拉县被转移到红色(第2级-实质性) state of California’s four-tier Blueprint for a Safer Economy. 随着这个移动到红色层,该县与国家一致,并解除了 他们的大部分指令,包括旅行强制指令(其中要求 如果一个人离开该县超过150英里,就会被隔离10天。) as well as other directives which affected our overall operations. 

我们目前正在评估修订,并努力修改我们的方法 to many programs and activities. 菠菜网lol正规平台 will continue to align with state and county 要求,同时保证校园活动的增加. 

Generally, operations will remain the same, including the Spartan Food Pantry, Athletics and Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) projects. Notable changes are:

  • 斯巴达娱乐和游泳中心(SRAC)将在有限的容量重新开放 March 15.
  • 餐饮中心将于3月开放,提供室内餐饮服务 22.
  • 在这个时候,书店将继续远程操作与航运或取货 service available.

我们将继续评估校园项目的其他必要调整,并将提供 additional updates as plans are finalized.

我还想再次强调我们县卫生官员的信息. To keep 你自己,你的家人,你的朋友和邻居,以及我们更广泛的社区安全, follow these core principles:

  • Stay outdoors for activities. Outdoor activities are far safer than indoor ones. 
  • Stay masked. 无论是在室内还是室外,都坚持使用面罩,特别是 双重屏蔽在防止冠状病毒传播方面非常有效.
  • Maintain at least 6-foot distance from others. Physical distancing from those who do not live with you is effective at keeping the coronavirus away.
  • Avoid crowds. 你遇到的人越少,互动越少, the lower the chance the virus will spread.
  • Get vaccinated when it is your turn. All federally approved vaccines work well and will help keep you, your family, and your friends safe. Getting vaccinated is highly encouraged.

Additional Vaccination Information

Last week, we shared information about vaccination eligibility for the education sector for residents of Santa Clara County. Yesterday, March 2, Santa Clara County announced 他们将为教育部门居住或工作的个人提供疫苗接种 in Santa Clara County.  This announcement means all employees at 菠菜网lol正规平台 can choose to register to get the vaccine in Santa Clara County. You can still choose to get vaccinated in your county of residence.  


  • Register at the California Department of Public Health’s MyTurn website.
  • 查看贵国公共卫生部门现有的COVID-19疫苗信息 website. 许多这样的网站也提供注册的机会 as vaccine site information. The following are links to the most common counties of residence for our campus community:
  • 如果您选择通过您的医疗保健提供者,请查看可用信息 并且,在指导下,确保你按照他们的指导方针和要求注册 for a vaccine or be notified when eligible.  
  • 监测第三方网站上也批准提供疫苗接种的公司.e. CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens)来检查你的资格和预约的可用性.
  • 你可能会被要求提供你在教育部门工作的证明. This can generally be provided through your 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID or a paycheck stub.  
  • 请注意,预约接种疫苗时可申请病假.

我们继续鼓励所有符合条件并能够获得COVID-19疫苗的人 这样做是为了保护自己和亲人,以及校园更大 community as a whole. Please note that the education sector eligibility does not include students unless they are working in the Education Sector. As more information becomes 关于学生疫苗的可用性,我们将更新校园社区.

Vaccination Site Update

正如之前的校园信息中提到的,上海州立大学和圣克拉拉县正在讨论 about space on campus to serve as a vaccination site. After further discussions, it 确定该网站不是实现他们目标的最佳位置,而菠菜网lol正规平台 will not serve as a vaccination site. We remain committed to helping our campus community 支持圣克拉拉县为维护社区安全所做的努力. 


Dr. Mary A. Papazian