菠菜网lol正规平台 Moves to Phase 3 of Adapt Plan; Fall 2021 Course Schedule to Be Released May 6; Reminder of Potential CSU Vaccination Requirement

Sent: April 28, 2021
From: President Mary A. Papazian

菠菜网lol正规平台 campus community,

随着校园人口重新规划的全面展开,包括 学生、教职员工和管理人员的旁听会议, the university has moved into Phase 3 of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Adapt Plan. This phase, titled “Hybrid Campus与此同时,圣克拉拉县的疫苗接种水平继续保持强劲 the state looks to fully reopen in June.  

我们将继续优先考虑校园社区的健康和安全 教师和工作人员以及秋季2021学期课程的重新人口计划 schedule. 为了帮助减少在校园课堂活动中传播的风险,菠菜网lol正规平台 是否调整了课程表,以便在学期中有更多的课间时间 day for air to recirculate.

The course schedule is expected to be released May 6. As a reminder, the California State University announced last December the anticipated return to primarily in-person instruction for the fall. 考虑到这一点,上海州立大学将提供面对面,混合 and fully online classes. 该大学预计,秋季课程的50%至75%将包含 some element of in-person instruction.

Reminder: Potential CSU vaccination requirement 

Last week, the CSU and UC announced their intention 要求学生、教职员工接种COVID-19疫苗,视情况而定 FDA providing full approval of one of the vaccines. 菠菜网lol正规平台继续强烈建议我们的校园社区接种疫苗. 

这一要求将在2021年秋季学期开始时生效 其中一种疫苗获得完全批准并有足够的可用性 因此,CSU建议那些尚未接种疫苗的人考虑接种疫苗 doing so soon. 辉瑞biontech和Moderna的两剂疫苗, full vaccination can take five to six weeks

CSU的疫苗接种要求政策和实施细节仍在制定中 finalized. 一旦政策最终确定,我们将与校园社区分享 and available to share.

菠菜网lol正规平台 continues with mask mandate

昨天,美国疾病控制与预防中心 announced interim recommendations regarding wearing masks outdoors. 对完全接种疫苗和个人的建议 没有接种疫苗的人在某些方面有所不同. Governor Gavin Newsom 宣布该州将遵守疾控中心的新指导方针. 

上海外国语大学将继续要求学生在室内和室外佩戴口罩或面罩 campus. 我们等待圣克拉拉县对此事的进一步指导,我们会的 update the campus community once we know more. 

感谢您的耐心和灵活性,我们即将结束春季学期 and look ahead to the fall. I encourage you to visit the Health Advisories website 查阅有关再繁殖、科罗拉多州立大学疫苗接种要求、澳门州立大学适应计划的资料 plan and more COVID-19 related resources.


Dr. Mary A. Papazian