Monkeypox Information and Advisory

Sent: August 16, 2022

菠菜网lol正规平台 Community, 

校园社区的健康、福祉和安全仍然是学校的责任 highest priority. As we prepare to begin the fall semester, we want to provide you with an update about Monkeypox (MPX)和菠菜网lol正规平台的响应和准备工作,并提供一些必要的信息 from a Q&A 加州公共卫生部也提供了更详细的信息 website.

What is Monkeypox (MPX)?

猴痘是由猴痘病毒感染引起的一种疾病 to the smallpox virus. While generally less severe and much less contagious than smallpox, monkeypox can be a serious illness. The virus spreads primarily through skin-to-skin 与有猴痘症状(如皮疹或疮)的人接触,并可能 通过密切的个人接触或接触被污染的材料传播 the virus.

Is MPX related to COVID-19?

不,猴痘是一种完全不同的疾病,与COVID-19无关,而且会传播 differently. 患有MPX的人通常在出皮疹或其他症状时具有传染性 猴痘的症状和传播是通过长时间的直接密切接触发生的. This is different from COVID-19, which spreads easily through the air.

Who can get MPX?

任何人在与猴痘患者密切接触后都可能感染猴痘 感染,尤指接触受感染的病变(疮)、体液或 other contaminated surfaces. However, the current risk to the public is low. 

How is MPX transmitted?

它主要通过与感染性溃疡、结痂或身体直接接触传播 液体,包括性交时,以及亲吻、拥抱、按摩等活动, and cuddling. Monkeypox can spread through touching materials used by a person with 猴痘未清洗过的衣物、毛巾和床上用品. It can 也可通过呼吸道分泌物(说话、咳嗽、打喷嚏、呼吸)传播 prolonged, close, face-to-face contact. 

What are the signs and symptoms of MPX? 

Monkeypox may start with flu-like symptoms; fever, low energy, swollen lymph nodes, and general body aches. Within 1 to 3 days (sometimes longer) after the appearance of fever, the person can develop a rash or sores. The sores will go through several stages, including scabs, before healing. People with monkeypox may experience all or only a few of these symptoms. Most people with monkeypox will get the rash or sores. 有时候,溃疡会出现在别人很难看到的地方. 有些人报告说,在出现流感样症状之前(或没有)出现皮疹或溃疡 symptoms.

What treatments are available for MPX?

Most infections are mild and will resolve without any treatment. There are currently no treatments specifically for monkeypox. However, given that monkeypox and smallpox 病毒在基因上是相似的,为了预防天花而开发的抗病毒药物, such as tecovirimat (TPOXX), may be used to treat monkeypox. 

Do I need to get vaccinated against MPX?

Vaccines are not recommended for people who have MPX. Vaccines are recommended for 接触过这种疾病的人可以预防他们患上这种疾病 也给那些没有已知的暴露,但有暴露风险的人.

此时,圣克拉拉县公共卫生部门已获得疫苗 (JYNNEOS),并正在优先为符合条件的人预防性使用疫苗 and at high risk. Visit the Santa Clara County Public Health Department Monkeypox website for more information on vaccine eligibility. If you are eligible, visit to register for upcoming vaccine clinics. 

What do I do if I have symptoms or have been exposed?

  • Wear a mask if you have symptoms. Per campus policy, masks are currently required in all indoor settings to limit COVID-19 spread.
  • 盖住任何皮疹和溃疡,直到你尽快让医生检查 as possible.
  • 避免面对面的聚会,特别是如果他们涉及近距离的个人皮肤接触 contact. This includes sexual activity.
  • 避免共用个人物品,包括衣服、床单和用具.


  • Students may call the Student Wellness Center at (408) 924-6122 and request an appointment for a Monkeypox test. 
  • 圣克拉拉县的更多信息可通过呼叫猴痘获得 Call Center at (408) 970-2200.
  • SCCPHD has a link for potential vaccine access: 本网站将帮助您确定您目前是否有资格接种疫苗. 
  • 建议工作人员和教职员工联系他们的医疗保健提供者并访问 Santa Clara County Public Health Department for more information.

对于寻求支持和资源的学生,我们鼓励你联系 Student Wellness Center with any questions. Staff and faculty can reach out to the Employee Assistance Program for support.

Being aware of the symptoms of Monkeypox and how to prevent 对待它是教育我们自己和菠菜网lol正规平台校园社区的重要一步. 我们将在未来几天和几周内继续密切监测局势.

Be well, 

Student Wellness Center