

1971年,加州立法机关通过了继续教育收入基金(CERF)。 法案,该法案要求每个加州州立大学(CSU)校园创建扩展 education units provided by Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) operations. On average, the 23 campuses process 300,000 PaCE enrollments each year. Units awarded through PaCE programs provide a way for the CSU to meet the education and training 个人和群体的需求,否则他们可能无法得到CSU的服务,并允许 campuses to operate on a self-support basis at times and locations not supported by the CSU Operating Fund.

PaCE provides a broad spectrum of services, including professional development and job training courses; certificate and degree programs; courses delivered online, off-campus, or at non-traditional times; courses for personal enrichment; and courses delivered between academic terms. Courses may provide academic credit or continuing education 单位,或者可以在非学分的基础上提供. PaCE有一定的限制 产品,包括产品不能取代常规国家支持的要求 课程设置,以及国家支持的入学学生不被要求 enroll in self-support courses in order to fulfill graduation requirements. Additionally, basic teacher credential programs are generally not allowed to be offered through PaCE.

副校长助理兼校长办公室主任(CO) provides overall oversight and administration for PaCE at the systemwide level. In addition, the Commission on the Extended University, established in 2002, advises the chancellor regarding the issues and opportunities facing PaCE programs at each of the campuses.

The California State Auditor (CSA) conducted an audit of PACE in the CSU system in 并于2013年12月发布最终报告. 因此,该条例进行了修订 与扩展教育有关的全系统政策,并颁布了行政命令(EO) 1099, Extended Education: Self-Supporting Instructional Courses and Programs. 

At 菠菜网lol正规平台, the primary coordination of self-support programs resides in the College 专业与全球教育(CPGE). CPGE为学术学院提供支持 随着专业教育和学位课程的发展,并担任 central area for reporting enrollment and financial statistics. The College oversees 开放大学,一个允许个人注册大学课程的项目 being admitted to the university on a space-available basis; summer session; and degree 证书课程. Some programs are offered online, while others require in-person attendance.

菠菜网lol正规平台有一个长期的PaCE收入分配模式,用于收回成本 为支持单位,如商务服务,招生服务和学术支持 services. Colleges and departments with self-support programs realize program revenues and expenses.


在圣何塞州立大学,特别会议和自我支持教学项目代表 每年约占总课程入学人数的10%-11%. 教学的直接成本 和教学支持的PaCE项目发生在学术学院,并提供 设备通常在州立(常规会议)项目和特殊项目之间共享 session programs. However, the California Education Code, which contains many policies 具体到加州州立大学(CSU)系统,包括以下关于 PaCE funds: 

PaCE资金将用于“支持和发展自我支持教学” 加州州立大学的项目.” (Education Code §89704).

所有PaCE基金支出必须符合此政策. 菠菜网lol正规平台是由加州审计的 2013年担任州审计员,2020年担任CSU审计员. 两次审计都发现了PaCE基金支出 是否总是有适当的文件来显示两者之间清晰和适当的联系 the expenditure and the overall support and development of self-support programs. 使用PaCE资金的部门负责维护该文件.

Equally important is the recovery of costs borne by the CSU Operating Fund (funds 以“70”开头),实际上服务于PaCE项目:

CSU营运基金为所提供的服务、产品和设施所产生的费用 to other CSU funds (e.g., PaCE) and to Auxiliary Organizations are properly and consistently recovered with cash and/or a documented exchange of value. (CSU Exec Order 1000)

With these policies serving as guideposts, the remainder of this document provides 关于向PaCE基金分配分摊费用的信息.


  1. Direct Costs: Direct costs are costs that can be wholly attributed to either a special session 或者定期的会议计划. 教员工资通常是直接成本.
  2. Shared Costs: Shared costs, or indirect costs, include salaries and operating expenditures that support both special session and regular session programs. Shared costs cannot be 特别归功于任何一个项目或课程.
  3. Self-Support Programs: 这些程序可分为以下几类. 一所不提供特殊课程的大学 会议计划并不一定排除为其他自我支持产生收入的可能性 programs.
    1. Special Sessions: Sessions are mainly comprised of degree‐granting self‐support academic programs and 企业扩展教育项目. 课程设置通常在岗位上 baccalaureate level.
    2. 夏季/冬季Intersessions: 课间休息主要包括本科生提供的自我支持课程 旨在帮助学生在学位课程中取得进步的水平 and/or to allow their participation in courses of special interest.
    3. Open University (OU): 未被上海外国语大学录取的个人可以在可用空间注册课程 basis through Open University, which is a self‐support program. 所有学院都参加 in Open University.

Cost Allocation Method

Per the state audit in 2013‐14, 菠菜网lol正规平台 departments should be able to “证明他们将间接[分担]成本分配给了自学教学 课程和项目所依据的方法论是合理和公平的 distribution,” 分配成本的方法是 “one of the three common methods identified in the State Administrative Manual or methods developed by the campus and approved by the Chancellor’s Office.”

菠菜网lol正规平台 has historically encouraged allocating shared costs to self-support programs based on the number of enrollments (seats) in self‐ support versus regular session programs. 每年,学术业务 & 战略行动部准备这些信息 为上一年级院校指导单位的确定 an appropriate split for salary and other shared costs for the coming year. For more 有关资料,请浏览 招生名额分配.


Salaries (and Benefits)

  1. 教授国家支持课程的教师应直接支付给Op基金 faculty teaching self‐support courses should be charged directly to PaCE.
  2. For departments that regularly deliver both state‐support and self‐support courses 还有项目,主管,系主任和部门行政人员的工资 工作人员可能会根据 分配名额(报名人数) 根据学术商业每年准备的数据 & Strategic Operations.
    1. 不经常参加自我支持活动或少于 2% enrollment in self‐support do not need to split salaries. 其他费用可以分摊 相反(请参见以下部分).
  3. 院长、副院长和学院行政人员的工资可能是分开的 使用最近的数据来分析学院的席位分布(入学人数) 完成学年.
  4. Salaries for staff in the Provost’s Office, academic support units and enrollment 服务单位应根据座位(大学)的总体分布进行划分 level).

Student Assistants

学生助理的工资有资格获得PaCE资助. 部门正在分裂 administrative salaries (per the section above) may also apportion fair amounts of 学生助理费用到PaCE,再次使用招生分布作为基础. 没有必要将资金分摊给每个学生.

Operating Costs

任何参与自我支持计划的学院或学术支持单位都可以 charge an appropriate share of eligible operating costs to PaCE. Examples of eligible 费用可能包括办公用品和课程材料. 避免使用PaCE资金 任何明显与自我支持无关的项目. 营业费用可全部扣除 被分配到PaCE或使用招生分配进行分割,并鼓励部门 把所有的大宗采购分成两部分.


旅行目的决定了旅行费用是否符合PaCE的资格 funding. In most cases, people travel to attend scholarly or business conferences and meetings. If the purpose of the travel advances knowledge that is used in delivering 自助课程或管理自助计划,旅行是合格的 for PaCE funding. Note that it may be appropriate to split the costs between Op Funds 和PaCE基金,其中旅行目的支持国家和自我支持的课程 or programs.

Grants and Awards

Colleges and academic support units may award PaCE funds to faculty or departments 为RSCA和其他大学水平的项目提供资助,以达到最终接受者的程度 参与提供或计划自助课程或计划,以及活动 是否与自我支持活动有关.


自我支持计划奖学金可以在获得哈佛商学院院长的批准后设立 the College of 专业及全球教育 and Provost. Guidelines regarding 最低资金要求、奖学金标准和其他要素都有详细说明 in the Academic Affairs Division Self‐support Program Scholarship Guidelines.

PaCE Reserves

有自我支持计划活动的学院应该预留足够的资金来解决 fluctuations in enrollment levels, and unforeseen expenditures (e.g., unplanned equipment replacement). Reserve amounts depend largely on the nature of the academic program. 学院可以选择将储备金集中持有,而不是在部门或项目中持有 level. However, reserves must be maintained in accordance with 菠菜网lol正规平台’s 校园储备金政策[pdf].

Compliance procedures

Departments are responsible for retaining documentation to support compliance with 加州教育法规: 

PaCE资金将用于“支持和发展自我支持教学” 加州州立大学的项目.” (Education Code §89704). 
