Insurance Requirements - Service Providers

San José State University requires a Certificate of Insurance (COI) from all suppliers that provide services to the campus. The minimum insurance coverages are:

  • General Liability: A minimum coverage of $2,000,000 per occurrence and $4,000,000 aggregate is required. For those working with minors Sexual Abuse and Molestation coverage must be provided.
  • Automobile Liability: A minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence is required.
  • Worker's Compensation: A minimum coverage of $1,000,000 set by California State Law.
  • Errors & Omissions Liability (Professional Liability Insurance): 
    Professional services and consulting services must provide proof of professional liability insurance. A minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate is required.

Other Insurance Requirements

  • Additional Insured Endorsement: The general liability policy is to include a separate letter of endorsement naming as additionally insured the following: “The State of California, the Trustees of the California State University, The University, their officers, employees, representatives, volunteers, and agents shall be covered as an additional insured.”
  • A.M. Best Rating: Any insurance policy shall be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best Financial Size Category rating of no less than A: VII.
  • Cancellation Notice: Each insurance policy must state that the coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail.

Who to List for Insurance for 菠菜网lol正规平台

Certificate Holder: 
San José State University 
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0041
Attn: Strategic Sourcing

Where to Send Certificates of Insurance

Please send certificate of insurance and endorsements to the Contracts Insurance Mailbox. Please note: this email address is for the receipt of COIs, there will be no responses from this email.