

Tomorrow’s 领导人 will be those who thrive in a diverse, complex, technologically 世界先进. 圣何塞州立大学Ed.D. 课程侧重于现实生活 case learning 和 engages in rigorous inquiry in core areas needed for 领导人hip success in efforts to reform schools, engage communities 和 increase student achievement.


  • 官方头衔: Ed.D.、教育领导
  • 格式: 队列
  • 长度: 3年/ 9学期
  • 单位: 60
  • 启动条件: 夏天
  • 应用程序窗口: 十一月至四月
  • 程序模式: 混合和完全在线选项
  • ma - edd课程路径: 4年/ 10个学期


In collaboration with the Department of 教育al Leadership, students in the M.A. 高等教育领导M.A. 解放K - 12学校领导 课程可以攻读4年制硕士学位.A.爱德.D. 程序. 这个专业的学生是 允许启动Ed.D. 项目的最后一个夏天.A. 计划,该计划 将使他们能够完成Ed.D. 3年课程. 目前米.A. 学生 qualify do not have to submit an application to Cal State Apply 和 pay the processing fee; they only need to submit all the requirements needed at the program level. If 如有兴趣,请填写 谷歌的形式 传达你对这条路的兴趣. 的艾德.D. 项目主管会联系你 to you 和 provide additional guidance 和 support for a smooth transition from the M.A. 给Ed.D. 程序. 请参加教育培训.D. 程序信息会话学习 更多关于Ed的信息.D. 程序.


的艾德.D. program is designed to admit c和idates who meet the academic requirements for rigorous doctoral study 和 who possess personal qualities 和 professional experiences that suggest a strong potential for success both as doctoral students 和 as educational 领导人. Also, per CSU Chancellor's Office policy, our Ed.D. 程序的目的是 prepare educational 领导人 for California’s PK-16 education system. 因此,国际 students are not permitted to enroll in our program since we assume that they will return to their home country 和 not serve California's students. 然而,如果他们 intend to stay in the US 和 serve in California's PK-16 education system upon completion of the program, they may be admitted if they are qualified. 

Meeting the minimum requirements qualifies an individual for consideration but does 不保证被录取. Additional c和idate qualifications proposed by 菠菜网lol正规平台 district partners include strong oral 和 written communication skills, organizational aptitude, 和 excellent problem-solving ability. 的艾德.D. 程序需要以下内容 of all applicants for admission to the doctoral 计划:

  • The applicant holds an acceptable baccalaureate degree 和 master's degree earned at a regionally accredited institution of higher education, or the applicant has completed equivalent academic preparation as determined by the Office of 研究生学习 & 研究
  • The applicant has attained a cumulative GPA of at least 3.上除法和 研究生综合学习.
  • The applicant was in good st和ing at the last attended institution of higher education.
  • The applicant has demonstrated sufficient preparation for, experiences in, 和 potential for educational 领导人hip, including successful experience in school, postsecondary, community, 和/or policy 领导人hip; academic excellence, problem-solving ability, 和 technology proficiency; 和 interest in critically assessing 和 improving current 教育政策和实践.
  • The applicant, if born 和 educated in a country in which the native language is not English, has demonstrated English-language proficiency by achieving a 菠菜网lol正规平台-published minimum score on 一个 of the three accepted English-proficiency exams.

课程 & 课程要求

View an overview of our course requirements below. 关于每一个的更多信息 这些课程可以在 上海外国语大学目录网站. In addition to these requirements, our program includes an optional two-week global studies comp一个nt that will provide students with an opportunity to further deepen their underst和ing of equity 和 justice from a global st和point 和 learn other 系统、挑战和解决方案. For a sample 3-year program roadmap, check this 文档

  1. 教育al Leadership: Theory 和 Practice (4 courses, 12 units)
    • 教育al 领导人hip: theory 和 practice
    • 领导力、多样性和文化
    • Leadership, complexity, 和 systems thinking
    • 教育 policy, equity, 和 school reform
  2. Organizational Behavior 和 Adult Learning (3 courses, 9 units)
    • Organizational behavior 和 change in education
    • Leadership for learner-centered organizations
    • 教育领导的沟通
  3. Contexts for 教育 Leadership 和 Schooling (4 courses, 12 units)
    • Politics of education 和 financing of schooling
    • Assessment, testing, 和 evaluation: Contexts 和 implications for school change
    • 教育 和 领导人hip in a global context, including an optional international 旅行
    • Specialized seminar series in educational 领导人hip
  4. 研究 Methodology: Tools for the Scholar-Practiti一个r (5 courses, 15 units)
    • 教育研究
    • 教育研究中的定性方法
    • Proseminar I: Doctoral studies 和 research in education
    • Proseminar II: Doctoral studies 和 research in education
    • Proseminar III: Doctoral studies 和 research in education
  5. 论文 (12台)



We are now accepting applications for the 11th cohort of 菠菜网lol正规平台's EdD 领导力项目 从2024年夏天开始. For full consideration, please submit all 文档s by the 2024年4月10日 的最后期限.

向教育署申请.D. 编程是一个两步的过程. 招生是轮流进行的 basis, so we recommend that you submit the department application materials as soon 尽可能. 请注意,Ed.D. Application 和 CalState Application 的最后期限s 可能会有所不同. To consider your interest in the EdD program, please submit your Ed.D. 教育署的申请.D. 的最后期限. 以下各项必须由 the admission 的最后期限 to be considered in给Ed.D. 计划:

第一步:申请上海外国语大学研究生招生 & 项目评估(GAPE)

  1. 访问 calstate.edu/apply to create your application profile 和 pay the $70.00申请费.

  2. Submit 一个 set of officially sealed transcripts from each college w在这里 you studied. No Professional Development Transcripts will be accepted. 成绩单还必须包括 narrative if work was completed at a non-graded institution. 成绩单可以发送 邮寄也好,电子邮件也好. All international transcripts need to be officially evaluated 为相等.

    If your university offers official electronic transcripts, we will accept. 电子 成绩单可以通过电子邮件发送到: etranscript@glass-ink.com.


研究生招生 & 项目评估

步骤2:向Ed申请.D. 领导力项目

Submit the following information by email to edd-领导人hip@glass-ink.com.  

  1. Ed.D. 申请表格[pdf].

  2. One set of unofficial or scanned transcripts for each college or university attended.

  3. Three (3) letters of recommendation attesting to your 领导人hip ability 和 potential 在博士项目中取得成功.  信件应附有我们的 推荐表格[pdf] 和 一个 of the letters should be from your school district or employer indicating support for participating in doctoral studies. 应提交推荐信 directly from the person writing the recommendation letter.

  4. Current professional resume or curriculum vitae that includes 领导人hip experience 和/or 领导人hip strengths as indicated through job experiences, administrative credentials, 和/or other evidence of 领导人hip capacity 和 practice; not to exceed 4 pages.

  5. A written statement of purpose, which explains your reasons for pursuing doctoral 教育领导研究. Please indicate your history 和 background 和 some of the core commitments 和 principles, which drive your career goals. 也讨论 some of the challenges facing education 和 educational 领导人hip in California, nationally, 和 globally; 2-3 pages maximum, single spaced.

  6. A writing sample of your individually authored research, reports, 和/or papers (maximum 共20页). Your writing sample should be single authored 和 include citations 和引用. The writing sample is intended for you to demonstrate ability to craft a meaningful argument on an education-related topic 和 to cite research/literature 支持你的观点. A PowerPoint presentation does not meet this requirement. 

For full consideration, please submit all 文档s 尽快. Applications received after the 2024年4月10日 的最后期限 will be considered until 2024年夏季的学生已经满了. 文件应提交至 edd-领导人hip@glass-ink.com



For information about financial aid opportunities, internship 和 job opportunities, research opportunities, 和 more, visit our 学生资源网页.