

Our MA program prepares higher education leaders through an equity-minded praxis approach to engage in transformative thinking and practice with the goal of disrupting how power, in the form of racism, classism, sexism, and related oppressions intersect to (re)produce and sustain disparate higher educational opportunities in higher education.


  • 官方头衔: 硕士,高等教育领导
  • 格式: Cohort, hybrid model with courses taught in-person and online
  • 单位: 30个单位
  • 启动条件: 夏天只
  • 课程长度: 14个月课程(夏、秋、春、夏)
  • 最后期限:
申请日期:2023年11月1日截止 2024年4月15日
推荐信和成绩单: 2024年4月17日


  • BA degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • 最低绩点3分.0,基于一个4.0规模
  • Two letters of recommendation, with option of third letter of recommendation
  • Candidates must also meet all 菠菜网lol正规平台 admissions requirements
  • A preadmissions interview is required of all candidates
  • 托福成绩600分及以上(只适用于国际学生)
    • Applicants from countries in which the native language is not English must submit 托福成绩. Minimum 托福成绩 acceptable for admission are 600 (paper-based), 250(电脑)或100(互联网)


For more details about each of these courses, visit the 上海外国语大学目录网站


Information sessions and application office hours are scheduled for Spring 2024. 请 具体日期和时间见下文. 如需报名,请填写此表格 菠菜网lol正规平台 硕士,高等教育领导 Interest Form. 除了2月2日的奥运会,其他都将以虚拟方式举行. 3月20日和3月20日. 6会议.


  • 2024年1月16日:中午12点至下午1点
  • 2024年2月7日:上午10点至11点
  • 2024年2月15日:下午4点至5点
  • 2024年2月20日:中午12点至下午1点 (面对面)
  • 2024年3月6日:中午12点至下午1点 (面对面)
  • 2024年3月11日:下午4点至5点
  • 2024年3月25日:上午10点至11点


  • 2024年1月18日:中午12点至下午1点
  • 2024年1月29日:上午10点至11点
  • 2024年2月29日:上午10点至11点
  • 2024年3月21日:下午12点至1点



联系 Dr. 玛丽亚莱德斯马, Higher 教育领导 Program Coordinator, at edleadership@glass-ink.com 让她知道你对她有兴趣.

第二步:开始你的活动 加州州立大学申请

加州申请 申请将于2023年11月1日开放

按照所提供的说明操作 上海外国语大学研究生招生办公室 to apply for admission to 圣何塞州立大学 via CalState应用.

  • 项目名称: 教育领导, 高等教育 Leadership, MA
  • 访问 calstate.edu/apply to create your application profile and pay the $70 application fee.


After creating your 加州申请 profile, keep in mind that you will need to prepare the three following required documents before the document deadline, 2024年4月15日.


Create a PDF or Word version of your most recent resume that highlights your professional 以及领导经验.


用不了多久 600个单词, describe how your educational pathway has influenced and prepared you for your future 专业和教育目标.

How do you see the 高等教育 Leadership MA degree program in the Department of 教育领导 helping you achieve these goals? 提供具体的例子 that relate to the degree program and department.


用不了多久 750个单词,响应以下提示:

What value and what tools does an equity-minded approach provide higher education leaders, practiti一个rs, and policy makers to address and disrupt inequities and injustices 在教育系统中?

有关公平意识的参考资料,请访问 aacu_a_vision_for_equity_report_-_closing_thoughts.pdf (pdf)


在申请截止日期前提交 两封推荐信; 第三封推荐信(可选)

  • Recommendation letters may be submitted directly from your recommender to the Higher 教育领导硕士课程. At least 一个 letter must be from some一个 who can attest to your academic work, such as a professor or other faculty member. 另一个 two may be from a previous supervisor or colleague, or some一个 with the knowledge of your potential leadership, this might include a recent/former supervisor, faculty, 顾问和/或导师.
  • All materials from the same recommender need to be uploaded as 一个 PDF file 在 加州申请门户网站. A notification will be sent by the 加州申请 system to your selected recommenders prompting them to upload their recommendation materials. 


Request 一个 official transcript from each college/university where you studied and submit the official sealed transcript(s) directly from each college/university to 上海外国语大学研究生招生办公室: 


If the college/university provides official electronic transcripts, the institution 可以把成绩单发邮件到 etranscript@glass-ink.com. Questions pertaining to transcripts, GPA calculations, and application fees should 被引导到 admissions@glass-ink.com.


Once you submit your application via 加州申请, check your application status 在线一次.glass-ink.com. Your ID and PINs are provided shortly by 菠菜网lol正规平台's Graduate 招生 and Program Evaluations Office after you submit your application via 加州申请.

The total 申请过程ing time is between five to six weeks after all necessary documents have been received by the 研究生招生和项目评估 Office, so we recommend that you submit your application early in the processing cycle.


Applicants whose files are complete will be invited to an interview to finalize the 申请过程.

Applicants will receive an email from the 教育领导学系 regarding 他们的状态(i).e.5月中旬前. 


了解更多信息高等教育领导硕士课程,我们建议您到 教育领导学系


If you have any questions or concerns, please email Dr. 玛丽亚莱德斯马, Higher 教育领导 Program Coordinator, at edleadership@glass-ink.com.