

2022年4月19日,星期二,下午5:00 - 6:00




2022年4月19日,星期二,下午6:00 - 7:30




The 艺术与艺术史系 is delighted to present this periodic opportunity to view recent works by current faculty in the 图示 Arts area: 艾琳Carvajal, 唐纳德Feasel, 埃里克·弗里德曼, Emanuela Harris-Sintamarian, Shaun O'Dell, Matthew Weston 泰勒,米歇尔·威尔逊和露西娅·兹纳米罗斯基. 展出的是一群迥然不同的艺术家 who, although displaying a wide range of media, style, and technique, share an interest in working with pictorial arts media and a devotion to teaching. 这个展览是 both provocative and stimulating, revealing a variety of aesthetics and creative solutions 对形状、比例和构成的形式主义问题.

艾琳Carvajal is a Costa Rican-American artist, working in printmaking, collage, video, performance 和安装. Her work examines labor, gender and globalization through the lens 大量生产的物品. 在录像表演作品《lol菠菜网正规平台》、《菠菜网lol正规平台》中, Carvajal explores history as a series of overlaying complex stories. 其中一些 prevail, some fragment, while others get erased or forgotten. 通常这些故事 是否镶嵌在纺织品图案或脚下的瓷砖上. 

唐纳德Feasel’s Citadel series seeks an immediacy of impact achieved through minimal means. 冻结 gestures within a colorfield expanse, he performs the rituals of chance to escape 绘画的内在性和孤立性. 

埃里克·弗里德曼’s Variance series begins as an investigation that considers the structural foundation of form and shape within pictorial space, related specifically to visual language and the deconstruction and obliteration of typographic letter forms. 它的持续发展 is inspired by metaphorical ideas related to Gaston Bachelard’s “The Poetics of Space” 乔里斯-卡尔·休斯曼的《菠菜网lol正规平台》.

Emanuela Harris-Sintamarian is an artist originally from Romania, but lives and works in Oakland, CA. 作为一个移民, her work is informed by the relationship between her identity to her sense of displacement, and the ways she has devised to reconcile those incongruous elements.   Harris-Sintamarian is interested in perception, memory and the mechanics of motion, their visual translation, and the dichotomies intrinsic to them (transfer vs change, action vs reaction, and 时间线性). She explores the fluidity and tension generated by contradictions: organized chaos and uncontrolled order, machine-like generated imagery, and imperfections. 

肖恩阿'Dell explores the intertwining realities of the human and natural orders. 历史上 of Itself Being Made Part 1: Score For Hephaestus’ Foot is the first work in a series 大型历史画. 这幅画是关于 the history of the volcano and is specifically a meditation on Hephaestus the Greek god of fire, volcanoes, blacksmiths, artisans, sculptors, and metallurgy.  现场 does not retell a story of Hephaestus from the Iliad or Odyssey, but rather assumes 火山被认为是地球的原作者. 它坐落在火山形成的地方 of the earth’s surface as an original, radical, primeval act of creative and narrative agency and presents a visual account of how the volcano’s authorship has deposited, accumulated, stored, and distributed narrative throughout earth history.

马修·韦斯顿·泰勒 一个主要从事油画工作的画家. 他现在的创作灵感来自于 narrowboat youtube videos, which he discovered at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Narrowboats were originally designed to carry cargo and were pulled by horses, yet 今天,人们就住在上面,慢慢地四处巡游. 泰勒看了无数的视频 关于窄船居民和他们的生活和经历. 这幅作品很有灵感 by these narrowboat shows, but it is also about pandemic time and the watching of 生命慢慢地向前和向后移动.  

米歇尔·威尔逊’s work finds synchronicity between personal narrative and contemplative activism. As an interdisciplinary thinker, it takes the form of handmade paper, installations, sculptures, prints, artist books, collages, and social practice interventions. 一个更长的 Table is based on Wilson’s experience volunteering for a food distribution program for the Oakland Unified School District and the East Oakland Burrito Roll and documents the people who made sure that the most vulnerable people in the community did not 在大流行期间不吃东西. 在《菠菜网lol正规平台》系列中的Sudama和Avicence中, Wilson creates metaphors to explore her personal losses during this time.

露西娅Znamirowski is an artist, educator, and graduate candidate at 圣何塞州立大学. 露西娅的 work focuses on memory and forgetting, post-post modernism, and the recursive nature 的身份. Her recent exhibition at Herbert Sanders Gallery, I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You (2022), grapples with the articulation of fictional identity 通过两位作者的作品. 从加州大学毕业后 Arts in 2010, Lucia has been an artist in residence at Kala Art Institute, in Berkeley (2010), the recipient of the Helen Dooley 奖学金(2021), and Auvil Printmaking 奖学金(2021).

All of these artists have individually received noteworthy acclaim for their works. As a group, they combine significant successes in regional, national, and international exhibitions, public art commissions, and museum collections, as well as numerous grants 和奖励. We are delighted to have this opportunity to feature their thoughtfulness, 匠心和远见在这次特别的展示中.

In conjunction with the opening of this exhibition, each exhibiting artist will speak about their work, its context, and its development as part of a walk-through in the 汤普森画廊, which will be held from 5 - 6 pm on April 19, 2022. 这个演讲 and the following opening reception, held immediately afterward from 6 – 7:30 pm, 是否免费向公众开放.


2022年4月19日,星期二,下午5:00 - 6:00




2022年4月19日,星期二,下午6:00 - 7:30




