
的 Occupational 的rapy Program at 圣何塞州立大学 is accredited by the 认证 Council for Occupational 的rapy 教育 (ACOTE) of the American Occupational 治疗协会(AOTA). 的 address is 6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North 马里兰州贝塞斯达20852-4929. ACOTE's teleph一个 number, c/o AOTA, is (301) 652 - AOTA. It is the oldest accredited Occupational 的rapy program in the California State University 系统.


的 Master of 科学 in Occupational 的rapy program curriculum is designed for students who have earned a baccalaureate degree in a discipline other than occupational therapy. It enables the student to obtain the education and degrees necessary to be eligible to practice as an occupational 治疗师. This program is offered primarily on the San Jose State University campus but students will also have fieldwork and practicum 校外经历. Once the Master of 科学 degree in occupational therapy is completed, the student is eligible to sit for the national certification examination. Successful completion of the examination qualifies the candidate to apply for national certification and state licensure.


菠菜网lol正规平台's program is accredited by the 认证 Council for Occupational 的rapy 教育 (ACOTE) of the American Occupational 治疗协会(AOTA). In 2016 the 认证 Council of Occupational 的rapy 教育 (ACOTE) awarded us a 10-year accreditation based on the strength of our academic program. This is the longest accreditation period awarded and we are incredibly proud of this accomplishment. 了解更多关于 ACOTE at 6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North 马里兰州贝塞斯达20852-4929, by calling, c/o AOTA, (301) 652 - AOTA or by visiting www.acoteonline.org.

photo of 菠菜网lol正规平台 MSOT graduation rate(Photo description: Total number of MSOT graduates from 菠菜网lol正规平台 OT Dept. 在这三年里 2021 - 2023年.)

NBCOT School Program Performance Data


请检查 申请及录取 for important updates here regarding the application process and 建议会议.

Review the MSOT Program Advising Overview [pdf]


We accept applications once per year beginning on 10月1日. 的 deadline for submitting applications and application materials 是在 3月1日 每年的. However, we recommend submitting the application as soon as possible as we admit on a rolling basis and can therefore fill the class before 3月1日. In that event, we will close the application process.

You may begin the application process on OTCAS 七月中旬开始.

Students must also apply to the university via 加州申请 (separate from the program application). Please see deadline dates on the 研究生招生 & 项目评估(GAPE) 网站. 

2024年秋季课程, applications will become available 10月1日.

Notice for re-applicants 2023-2024 [pdf]


A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination and may preclude attainment of state licensure. Some practicum and fieldwork sites may also perform background checks and refuse internships to students with a felony conviction. Students who have a prior felony conviction are urged to contact the above menti一个d certification and licensing boards prior to the start of the program to determine their potential to practice as an occupational 治疗师. While we recognize this to be a privacy issue, it is recommended that the student disclose this information to the 实地考察 Director before fieldwork placements 是寻求.

Fall 2023 Mandatory Intent to Enroll

Fall 2023 admitted students must accept their admission by:

  1. saying ‘yes’ through Intent to Enroll and
  2. paying a $200 non refundable (and non transferable) enrollment deposit by June 1, 2023 in order to register for Fall 2023 classes.

的 $200 enrollment deposit will be applied towards your tuition and fees once you 报名参加2023年秋季课程.

访问 Mandatory Intent to Enroll webpage



的 curriculum is organized around the core principle of participation in occupation to promote health, well-being, and social inclusion. 课程设计是为了 enable students to acquire the knowledge and competencies necessary to become qualified as a generalist in occupational 治疗实践 within four semesters of graduate academic study and six months of supervised fieldwork experience. 有广泛的曝光 to current and emerging practice areas with a wide range of populations, conditions, 和年龄.

Students receive a strong foundation in the concept of occupation early in the program and subsequent coursework is structured to provide a holistic orientation to occupational 治疗实践.  Participation in occupation is the desired outcome for all recipients of occupational therapy services. Participation in occupation is broadly defined, so courses address practice in a variety of settings, both traditional and emerging. 的 addition of a two-course sequence in community-based practice provides strong linkages to the local community, including programs where occupational therapy has not traditionally been available, and provides students with a variety of opportunities to engage with clients and service providers in creative problem-solving contexts.

A lifespan orientation to occupational 治疗实践 was chosen rather than organization according to traditional practice areas in order to emphasize the holistic nature 当代实践. Course content addressing professional behaviors and research/evidence-based practice provided throughout 课程 assists students in advancing critical analysis and leadership skills. 的 curriculum supports the mission and vision of the department and the university in preparing occupational therapy leaders who serve their communities through both scholarship and practice.

Students in each cohort 被分配 to 一个 of two tracks for study. 大部分的课程 同时服用. 的 clinical/community practicum courses (OCTH 276, 234, 286) are offered in both semesters to provide continuity of services in the on-campus clinics and for the clinical and community partners. 的refore, students may enroll in these courses in either the Fall or Spring semester, depending on the track to which they 被分配. 的 lifespan-based practice courses (OCTH 226, 236, 246, 256, 266) are designed so that they do not need to be taken in sequence. 

的 curriculum is composed of six clusters:

  1. Occupation—the core of the profession
  2. Foundations for occupational 治疗实践
  3. 专业发展
  4. 社区实践
  5. 研究和 knowledge development
  6. Practice of occupational therapy.

Six curricular threads reflect knowledge and skills that run through all courses in 课程. 的y include the following (see 课程简介[pdf] section below for more detail):

  1. Integrating affective experiences: Skills in perceiving, understanding, and responding to the emotional contexts of interactions and performance of self and others
  2. Embracing diversity: Self-reflection and awareness of 一个’s own identity, values, 态度和偏见. Skills in perceiving, understanding, respecting, and responding to others’ diverse experiences, values, 态度和偏见
  3. Developing professional identity & leadership capacity: Understanding 一个self as a professional through self-reflection, development of professional behaviors and engagement 在专业活动中
  4. Becoming creators of knowledge: Understanding the development of knowledge and how 一个 can contribute to the evolution of knowledge. Be a self-directed, independent 学习者和学者
  5. Understanding humans as occupational beings: Knowledge of the complexity and uniqueness of occupation in the human experience and the facilitation of occupational participation
  6. Engaging and serving communities of practice, scholarship, and learning: Connecting, collaborating, and serving department, university, local, and global communities.

Progression and Graduation Requirements [pdf]


All students in the OT program will be required to participate in an 国际经验 as a part of their academic program. For students seeking an alternative to the study abroad requirement or students who have substantial 国际经验 within 5 years of entering San Jose State University please see the College of Health and 人文科学 (CHHS)网站 申请表格.

Informational Session (TBD) via Zoom (link provided after registration)