Community Living 政策

Creating a safe and welcoming housing experience.

菠菜网lol正规平台 strives to create an equitable and positive housing experience for all of its students--but we can't do that without your support. Do your part and familiarize yourself with our housing policies on parking, guests, health, quiet hours and more.

Anti Pass-Back Policy

What's our Anti Pass-Back Policy? To put it simply, residents can't allow 其他人 access into and out of Campus Village parking garage with their access card. 如果你这样做,你会 be subject to fees and/or judicial action.

Learn more about our anti-pass back policy


A guest is a person who is not officially assigned to live in a campus housing location. If you're planning on having a guest visit, please know that you must escort them into the building, otherwise they will not be allowed to enter. 一定要阅读我们的 complete guest policy for more information.

Learn more about our guest policy


Our student's health and safety is our top priority! Please visit our health and safety page for information about the cold and flu, alcohol education, student health resources and information on the closest medical centers.

Read more of our health and safety tips


Pets can be wonderful companions, but when you live on campus there are health, safety, sanitation, noise and humane treatment concerns. Learn about what animals we do and don't permit in 住宅生活 facilities, and other important information regarding 宠物.

Learn more about our pet policy


One of the basics of being a good neighbor is to be aware of how your noise may affect 其他人. Our quiet hours are typically 10:00 pm - 8:00 am Sunday -Thursday, and 12:00 am - 10:00 am Friday - Saturday. 访问 the quiet hours page to see when hours are extended and what can happen if they are not observed.

Learn more about our quiet hours

Community Living Handbook

We have prepared this handbook, to help you settle into your surroundings as well as remind you of important policies and regulations. It includes information concerning all aspects of University 住房 Services and can direct you to other campus resources.

Community Living Handbook