住房 License Agreement COVID-19附录

All housing students must sign the COVID-19 addendum while completing the housing 应用程序.


Student 住房 License Agreement Terms & 条件 

本附录明确纳入学生住房许可协议 并补充学生住房许可协议(“许可”)条款和条件 对脑血管意外 & CVB Apartments, Suits(CVC), CV2, Joe West, and 沃什伯恩堂s. 在完成之前 and electronically signing this Addendum, please read the provisions carefully. 除了 如本文明确规定,本附录不改变任何条件或义务 在许可证中. This Addendum is effective for the entire academic year, fall through 春季学期,或学年中可能剩下的部分 License and/or Addendum are signed. In consideration of the mutual covenants, commitments, 以及本协议所包含的协议,在此确认该协议的收讫和充分性, 被许可方同意 as follows:

I.               Notice and Acknowledgment Regarding COVID-19

被许可方承认,SARS-CoV-2冠状病毒大流行是一种全球性风险 对人类健康. COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease that can spread easily and exp一个ntially and can lead to severe illness or death. 根据公共卫生 organizations, persons of all ages are at risk. Persons over 65 and those with underlying health conditions are especially vulnerable.

暴露于COVID-19或任何SARS-CoV-2变体(以下简称SARS-CoV-2)的固有风险 (以下统称为“COVID-19”),存在于任何共享或公共空间 people are present, including on-campus housing. 圣何塞州立大学 has taken 并将继续采取各种措施来解决个人的健康和安全问题 living in on-campus housing. However, those measures will not eliminate the risk of 接触COVID-19. Accordingly, students who return for face-to-face instruction and who will voluntarily reside in on-campus housing will face a risk of exposure 并可能感染COVID-19.  

To minimize the risk to Licensee and others in on-campus housing, Licensee hereby 确认并同意:

  1. 被许可方理解,尽管圣何塞州立大学已经采取并将继续采取 采取各种措施防止暴露在联邦,州 而地方卫生部门的指令和指导方针,这些措施是不会消除的 all risk, and thus there will remain a risk of 接触COVID-19.
  2. 通过假定占用,被许可方证明,就其所知, Licensee is not infected with COVID-19. 
  3. 通过假定占用,被许可方证明被许可方没有出现症状 与COVID-19相关.  Symptoms may include, but are not limited to, a loss of 味觉或嗅觉,发烧,严重头痛,严重疲劳或身体/肌肉疼痛,不寻常 胃肠不适和/或呼吸道疾病的迹象,如干咳, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.
  4. 通过假定占用,被许可方证明,就其所知, 在最初入住后的14天内,被许可方 没有个人或密切接触(在6英尺内共15 ? minutes or more) with an individual infected with COVID-19.
  5. 被许可方理解并同意,圣何塞州立大学 大学提供自愿住房是为了使被许可方能够完成和/或 participate in a campus educational program, but that participating in housing is not required and is d一个 so on a voluntary basis by Licensee. 主动访问 or allowing access to campus housing could expose Licensee or others to COVID-19.

II.            校园进入权  

除许可协议中概述的条件和情况外,被许可方 必须按合理要求离开被许可方分配的持牌处所 during 健康与安全 Inspections, custodial services, maintenance repairs, or 任何其他检查,以实行安全的物理距离和减少风险 暴露于COVID-19(或其他传染病)或进入许可时 premises is legally required by a 圣何塞州立大学 representative.  

3.          COVID-19防备 

除了被许可方在许可项下需要维护的任何物品之外 根据协议,被许可方须采购并维护以下医疗保健用品 and personal protective equipment, such that these supplies will be accessible to Licensee while on campus and living in campus housing:

  1. Hand sanitizer (at least 70% alcohol base);
  2. 根据州和地方卫生当局的规定,适当佩戴口罩 the University; and  
  3. 一个温度计. 

IV.         COVID-19 Occupancy Requirements 

  1. 被许可方同意遵守圣何塞州立大学的指示、政策和命令 大学和加州州立大学董事会(合起来, the “University”), and state and local health authorities related to COVID-19, as 可在本许可和附录有效期内不时进行修改,包括: but not limited to, all requirements for protective masking/face covering, social distancing, testing, isolation, quarantine, and immunization.  
  2. 被许可方同意遵守所有适用的联邦、州和地方公共卫生规定 与2019冠状病毒病有关的法律、法规、命令和指南,可由 time to time during the term of this License.  
  3. 被许可方同意遵守可能要求的任何COVID-19测试协议 并合理地与大学合作,以履行被许可方的义务 obligations under this section.
  4. 被许可方理解并同意大学要求进行COVID-19免疫接种 as a condition of occupancy, prior to occupying the licensed premises.  被许可方同意 to provide the University certification of vaccination within the time period and in the manner requested by the University.   

V.         Confirmed Positive or Exposure to COVID-19 Procedures

  1. 如果被许可方出现COVID-19症状,COVID-19检测呈阳性, 和/或与已知或被认为感染了COVID-19的人(被许可方)接触 是否会按照通知协议通知[学生健康服务] 在菠菜网lol正规平台健康咨询的大学COVID-19网页上概述 尽管有任何其他条款或沟通,被许可方必须 通过[学生]向[学生健康服务]报告COVID-19检测结果呈阳性 健康服务]在线报告系统概述在菠菜网lol正规平台健康咨询报告 在收到测试结果后立即提出,不迟于两(2)小时 after receipt of the test result. 
  2. 如果被许可方COVID-19检测呈阳性,则被许可方同意转入隔离 unit of the University’s choosing.  In addition, 被许可方同意 not to attend in-person 课程或活动或参观其他校园设施(包括但不限于) (食堂)或终止隔离,直到被许可方满意为止 确定所有适用的联邦、州和地方公共卫生标准 由于隔离.
  3. 被许可方承认并同意医疗机构,可以是学生健康 Services or other medical authority approved by the University, will determine if Licensee may self-isolate in a designated isolation unit on-campus or if Licensee 必须转介到校外医疗机构,取决于严重程度 被许可人的症状.  被许可方同意 to cooperate with any directive issued by Student 生署或经大学根据本条批准的医疗当局签发.  
  4. 未能遵守本COVID-19许可附录的条款和条件 协议可能导致许可协议的终止,从学生中移除 住房, and/or disciplinary action pursuant to CSU Executive Order 1098.