

Bloodborne Pathogens Program

Chemical 和 实验室安全

St和ard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

SOPs are an integral part of a research laboratory's safety control plan. EHS已经 开发了一个 SOP Guidance Document [pdf] to help research laboratories identify chemicals in their 库存 that require 一个懦夫.

Chemicals that fall into 一个 of the below hazard classes must have an established SOP. The below documents are SOP templates for each of the required hazard classes 和 lists of chemicals in excel that fall into each hazard class.

The SOP Guidance Document, along with the templates linked above, provide a definition of the hazard class 和 provide resources to identify chemicals using an existing 库存. A 空白SOP模板 是否也可以使用.

SOP templates for some commonly encountered or higher risk chemical hazards are available 下图:

Examples of completed SOPs are available to aid development of laboratory-specific 标准作业程式:

美国.S. Chemical 安全 Board (CSB) released 尝试危险 in response to three serious laboratory accidents that occurred at academic institutions. The CSB encourages all universities to study the key lessons from the video 和 to make every effort to provide safe working environments in their labs.


Requests for the use of new chemicals in research are reviewed by the campus Chemical Hygiene Officer to ensure that we have adequate facilities 和 engineering controls to support the safe use of that chemical. To request a new research chemical, please fill out the 有害物质 Request Form 和 submit it to the purchase request 审核邮箱: ehschemicalpurchasingrequests@glass-ink.com




Hazard 评估s 和 检查ions

Environmental Health 和 安全 has implemented a set of tools designed to improve safety 和 facilitate regulatory compliance in laboratories across campus.

The software includes two integrated modules:

  • 评估: This tool allows Principal Investigators (PIs) to conduct hazard assessments relevant to their research environment 和 determines the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be used to ensure safety in the lab.
  • 检查: A flexible, customizable tool that manages the scheduling, completion 和 long-term tracking of safety inspections. It is available for ph一个s, tablets 和 desktops. To get started with 检查, view the Getting Started Guide [pdf].

风险和安全解决方案 developed 评估 和 检查 as part of its suite of risk management 和 safety tools for the University of California. The software has been used extensively throughout UC’s 10 campuses 和 five medical centers. The CSU has partnered with the UC to extend this software to all 23 campuses in the CSU system.

In September 2018, on site training was provided to instructional support staff who will work to help implement this system campuswide. Additional training materials 如下所示.