Public Information

The Planning Accreditation Board requires this information be posted for the Master of 城市 Planning program.

Student Achievement

The Department of 城市 & Regional Planning assesses student achievement through two distinct mechanisms:

  1. Evaluation by internship supervisor; and
  2. Evaluation of the comprehensive planning report using a common rubric

1. Internship Supervisor Evaluation Data

Every student who graduates with a MUP degree must complete a minimum of 180 hours of professional work experience. Internship supervisors are required to evaluate the student on a wide variety of planning knowledge and skills. A summary of internship evaluations for graduates in 2020-2021 is shown in the table below.

标准 2020-2021 Student Achievement*

Ability to work effectively on a team


Ability to compose written reports and memos


Ability to make an oral presentation


Ability to interface with the public or clients


Ability to solve problems and think creatively


Initiative and ability to work independently


Knowledge expected of an entry-level employee


Understanding of professional planning issues


Ability to synthesize planning knowledge and apply it to actual planning problems


* Average student achievement on each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating “very high performance

2. Evaluation of Comprehensive Planning Report

Every student who graduates from our MUP program completes a comprehensive professional planning report. This independent research project is evaluated by department faculty using a common rubric. A summary of student achievement on the culminating professional report for all students graduating in 2020-2021 is shown in the table, based on outcomes for three criteria:

Outcome 1

Demonstrates ability to conceptualize problems from complex, real world situations so the problems are meaningful to clients, and are research worthy.

Students pass with e a minimum score of 8 out of 12  Avg. 得分:10.3
1A. Are the research questions and/or goals well defined and clearly stated? (2点 马克斯.) 1.7
1B. Does the author demonstrate in-depth familiarity with relevant literature on the 主题? (6 points 马克斯.)  5.3
1C. Is the methodology appropriate to answer the research question(s)? (4 points 马克斯.) 3.3

Outcome 2

Demonstrates ability to collect, analyze, and synthesize information from multiple 来源.

Students must receive a minimum score of 10 out of 16 to pass. Avg. 得分:13.1
2A. Is the data collected sufficient in quality and depth to answer the research question? (6 points 马克斯.) 4.8
2B. Is the analysis direct, competent, and appropriate? (6 points 马克斯.) 5.1
2C. Are the conclusions sophisticated and based on the results of the analysis, as a logical extension of the findings? (2分 马克斯.) 1.6
2D. Does the author show how his/her analysis and findings fit into the larger context of the literature and current professional practice? (2分 马克斯.) 1.6


Demonstrates ability to communicate effectively in writing and by expressing concepts in visual terms.

Students pass with a minimum score of 8 out of 12. Avg. 得分:10.0
3A. Is the material logically organized so that a reader can easily follow the writer’s train of thought? (4 points 马克斯.) 3.2
3B. Is the writing grammatically correct and free of typos? (2分 马克斯.) 1.6
3C. Do tables and figures add useful/important information for the reader? (2分 马克斯.) 1.8
3D. Is the report professional in appearance? (2分 马克斯.) 1.7
3E. Are citations included where appropriate, and are footnotes and bibliography properly 格式化? (2分 马克斯.) 1.7

Total Rubric Score

Students must receive a minimum score of 26 out of 40 to pass.

  • Avg. 得分:33.5

2022-2023 Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are calculated for 一个 full academic year (Fall '22 and Spring '23 semesters) and are based on a full-time course-load of 12 units.

  • In State Residents, per full-time academic year: $9,333
  • Out of State Residents, per full-time academic year: $18,837

For a complete list of student fees and for a per-credit-hour breakdown of tuition rates, please refer to the University Bursar’s website.

Student Data

Student Enrollment Data 

Academic Year 2022-23

  • 46      Number of applicants reviewed for admission
  • 46      Number of applicants admitted
  • 14      Number of new students admitted who enrolled full-time
  • 8        Number of new students admitted who enrolled part-time
  • 45      Number of total students enrolled full-time
  • 34      Number of total students enrolled part-time
  • 100% Retention Rate - Full Time
  • 100% Retention Rate - Part Time

Student Graduation Data

  • 30      Number of degrees awarded for AY 2022-23
  • 39      Number of degrees expected for AY 2023-24
  • 73%   Percentage of students graduating within 2 years, entering class of 2021
  • 88%   Percentage of students graduating within 3 years, entering class of 2020
  • 96%   Percentage of students graduating within 4 years, entering class of 2019
  • 100% Percentage of students taking the AICP exam within 3 years who pass, graduating class of 2019

Student Employment Data

Class of 2022

  • 19     Number of graduates employed within 1 year of graduation in a professional planning or planning-related job     
  • 0       Number of graduates who pursue further education within 1 year of graduation
  • 2       Number of graduates not employed in planning or planning-related jobs or unemployed within 1 year of graduation   
  • 1       Number of graduates with unknown employment status