
Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am an international student. Can I attend Open University?

    如果你是持F或J学生签证在上海州立大学学习,那么你所修的课程 开放大学不计入维持全日制入学所需的费用 your visa status. 如果您有任何疑问,请访问国际办公室 学生和学者服务办公室或致电408-924-5920.

    学业不合格的国际学生必须见国际学生 Student Advisor prior to enrollment in Open University.

  • What are the COVID-19 vaccine requirements?
    所有参加面对面或混合班的学生必须提交疫苗接种 status. Check the general COVID-19 vaccination requirements on the Student Health Center website.
  • How to register for a course?
    Please view the My菠菜网lol正规平台 tutorial for step by step instruction.
  • Can I add a course after the deadline?

    您可以添加一个课程,只要您满足先决条件的要求和讲师 signs your registration form. Complete a "Late Enrollment" form (DocuSign) in the form section.

    晚入学需要指导老师,主席或项目主任和副院长 approval. 学生在所列空白处注明审批人的姓名和电子邮件 to route the form correctly. 填写表格的说明在第一页.

    如果在截止日期后因未交学费而退课,你是 如欲重新报名,应将所有课程重新添加.

  • When is my tuition due?
    Spring and Fall: 21 days from the date of registration
    Summer: 15 days from the date of registration
  • How can I pay?
    Please see the Bursar's Office Methods of Payment. 有关如何付款和设置直接存款的说明,请参阅 tutorials for more information.
  • Is financial aid available?

    Yes. 圣何塞州立大学提供有限的经济援助,其中可能包括 Grant(s) and/or a Stafford Loan. There are a number of restrictions on these funds, which are outlined below. 访问财政援助和奖学金办公室网站 additional information. 更多信息请咨询财政援助办公室.

    How does it work?
    学生必须注册至少半小时的出勤单位 at this university to qualify to receive financial aid. Students must be admitted 定期到本校报到并被上海外国语大学录取.

    What are the requirements?

    • Must be an 菠菜网lol正规平台 matriculated student.
    • 必须完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)申请 and submitted all supporting documents.
    • 必须报读最少所需科目数:最少一半时间(共6个 units for undergraduate).
    • 申请人必须保持令人满意的学业进步.

    How much am I eligible for?
    你有资格获得的经济援助的数量和类型取决于很多人 因素,包括年级水平,需求和你注册的总单元数 in for the semester. 作为一名本科生,你有资格获得联邦助学金 经济资助只适用于参加特别课程的学生. Federal aid programs 包括联邦佩尔助学金,联邦补充助学金,联邦珀金斯贷款和 the Direct Stafford Loans. 然而,如果你也参加了常规课程,你的 奖励将根据所有可能符合资格的单位的组合来计算 receipt of additional financial aid. If you are unsure about your exact circumstance, 你可以和财政援助和奖学金办公室讨论. All funding and 奖励是根据联邦和州预算以及立法变化而定的. Awards are subject to change at any time.

    How do I start the process?
    在注册课程之前,你应该去见财务援助顾问. The staff 柜台的成员将审查你的整体经济援助资格,并有 你完成了处理经济援助所需的所有文件. You will 如果适用,将通过您的My菠菜网lol正规平台帐户通知您修改后的奖励. Any shortfall 不包括在经济援助是学生的责任.


    财政援助和奖学金办公室位于学生服务中心 (SSC),一楼,在第九街和圣费尔南多街的拐角处.

  • How can I obtain a transcript?
    To order official transcripts, fill out the Transcript Request Form or visit the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  • How do I drop a course?
    通过My菠菜网lol正规平台在线放弃课程,完成退课过程 account or filing a Petition to drop a course. All approval signatures/permissions are required. 未经授权离开课程将导致未经授权的退课 (WU) which is equivalent to an "F" grade.
  • Can I drop my class(es) and receive a refund?

    由于通过学术课程提供的课程在学期的不同日期开始 学期,他们不遵循与常规课程相同的退款日历. Please follow the timeline below: 

    •  在本课程第三天正式退课的学生将退课 receive a 100% refund
    • On the 4th calendar day: 75% refund
    • On the 5th calendar day: 50% refund
    • On the 6th calendar day: 25% refund
    • Starting the 7th day: 0% refund.

    学生有责任正式退课. When students drop a 正式上课,他们的帐户将显示班级状态为“降级”或“W”级. Failure 出席不可能导致学生自动退学. Failure 正式放弃一门课程会产生不及格的“F”或未经授权的退学 (WU) and fees will be charged to the student's account.

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