
Photo of Tau三角洲 memebers, in front of the Tower Building on 菠菜网lol正规平台 Campus.

In addition to robust faculty support, our students can find peer support through 众多学生团体,包括:

西格玛的ta Tau国际


西格玛的ta Tau荣誉协会标志

Alpha Gamma is a chapter of 西格玛的ta Tau国际, nursing's honor society. Its purpose is to recognize the excellence of individual 圣何塞州立大学 undergraduate nursing students, graduate nursing students, and nurse leaders in the 社区.

的 chapter facilitates professional growth through the development, dissemination, 并利用知识,并通过提供资源. 章的活动, supported by membership dues, promote high standards of nursing practice, research, 奖学金,以及其成员的领导力. 反过来,他们积极地影响着 社会的健康和福祉. 成立于1963年5月6日, 阿尔法伽玛章 is the 25th chapter established at 西格玛的ta Tau国际 Honor Society 护理.


Tau三角洲 (ATD) is a professional nursing 联谊会 committed to providing 兄弟般的精神
cooperation by offering an opportunity for nurses and nursing students to promote 他们的个人和智力
growth through education, networking, scholarships, guidance, leadership, and collective 对政府的责任
联谊会. 我们的国家网站是http://atdnursing.org/. 你就能找到 历史信息,


ATD’s governance structure includes a president, vice president, treasurer, recording 秘书,相应的
secretary, marshall, service chair, philanthropy chair, fundraising chair, and historians.

三名Tau三角洲成员捐赠物品,包括毯子. 的 three members are darked haired women, 戴着面具 while obviously smiling. 一位穿着蓝色衣服的护士站在他们身边微笑着.

Our membership requires that you are a nursing student at the Valley Foundation School 护理. 与我们交流的最好方式是通过Instagram (@atdsjsu)。 或电邮(atdalpharho@gmail).com)!



Our Mission Statement: We lead by example, creating a campus-wide 社区 of politically 有意识,精通技术,有社会意识的护理学生. 我们培养 tradition of the student to the role of the professional nurse through the development 领导力,行动主义和倡导. 我们支持奖学金、志愿服务和辅导 影响加州的护理教育和护理工作.

CNSA at 菠菜网lol正规平台 is a chapter of the statewide California Nursing Students’ Association, 它是全国公认的NSNA组织的一部分. CNSA-菠菜网lol正规平台是 composed of nursing students who are passionate about getting involved, empowering 其他人,回馈社会,有所作为. 我们提供了很多 of opportunities for growth through our mentorship program, guest speakers, junior 军官计划,以及更多. 这是一个很有价值的学生护理组织 can add to your resume as well as speak about during future job interviews!


上海大学公共卫生护理俱乐部的标志Public Health Nursing club (PHNC) is a student organization affiliated with the California Public Health  Association-North, a state organization focusing on Public Health. In PHNC, we aim to understand the various perceptions of illness, factors that inhibit individuals from achieving optimal health, and ways to encourage the desire within them to incorporate preventative health measures into their everyday lives. 的口号 of the PHNC is “making strides towards a healthier tomorrow” and we strive to utilize the Health Belief Model in order to understand and to help resolve public health concerns 在我们的圣何塞州立社区和更广泛的社区.

PHNC offers an ideal opportunity for students interested in public health and nursing, 让我们未来的护士
become advocates for promoting health in their practice and mitigating public health 我们社区的问题.