Given its location in the innovative and global high technology environment of Silicon Valley, 菠菜网lol正规平台's MST program has many courses focused on the issues and transactions of high technology companies. Yet, the program also offers a wide selection of courses to benefit students interested in tax compliance and planning for individuals and BUSinesses outside of the high tech sector as well.

Earning your MST degree requires completion of 30 units. 所有的课程都可以在税收 or you may replace up to two with other approved graduate business courses. 而不是 of a master thesis requirement, the MST program includes an individual project in the capst一个 MST course (BUS 223H).

Required courses (12 units):

Course Number/Course Name

Required Electives (6 units):

Choose at least 一个 class from the following for your required business entities course (others may be used for additional electives below):

Course Number/Course Name

Choose at least 一个 class from the following for your required multijurisdictional course (others may be used for additional electives below):

Course Number/Course Name

Additional electives (12 units):

Choose 12 units of additional MST electives (or any classes above that were not used to meet the business entities or multijurisdictional requirement).

Course Number/Course Name

The program is designed to enable students to study either part-time or full-time.

类 are offered over shortened semesters (8-10 weeks) so as to not conflict with 繁忙的报税季节. Fall semester begins after September 15. 春季学期包括 of two sessions: "Early" in January and February and "Late" starting after April 15 and running until mid-June. Summer semester begins in mid-June and ends in mid-August. 类 meet in the evenings and occasionally on Saturday mornings.

Students in the program have access to RIA and CCH online tax research tools, as well 作为BNA投资组合.