The Language

达乌迪语的对话Ayesha Rehman of the UAJK team (L) speaks with Dawoodi speakers Parveen, Shadana and Shakila (L to R).

Dawoodi (formerly Domaaki, Dumaki, Domaki; ISO 639-3: dmk; Glottolog: doma1260) is a severely endangered language spoken in two villages in northern Pakistan: Mominabad 罕萨河谷和那加尔河谷的莫米纳巴德. 每个村庄都有一个独立的 dialect, though the two are mutually-intelligible to a high degree and speakers feel 它是一种语言. There is no writing system for either dialect, and so consequently there are no Dawoodi-language media nor is the language taught in any school. 

The Dawoodi were traditionally restricted to the occupations of blacksmith and musician, both of which were seen as having low prestige (Backstrom 1992:105). Beginning in the 1970s, they found new freedom in living and working as they pleased, and this has led to widespread language shift, especially those who have moved to ethnically-mixed 城镇(Weinreich 2010, 2015). 今天,达乌迪语只在两种传统语言中被听到 villages, and even there the residents also speak at least one other regional language, 比如希那语或布鲁哈斯基语,如果不是乌尔都语的话. 只有最老的一代还在使用达乌迪语 on a regular basis; we have not found a speaker younger than age twenty, which means that children are no longer learning the language, a sure sign of endangerment. Based on our two field visits in 2017 and 2018, we estimate that there are only four or five dozen speakers of the Hunza dialect, and roughly a dozen speakers of the Nagar dialect. Given this dire situation, UNESCO classifies Domaaki as severely endangered (Moseley 2010), while Ethnologue 认为它垂死挣扎(Lewis等人). 2016).

Dawoodi belongs to the Central Zone of the Indic branch of the Indo-Iranian group, 哪个是印欧语系的一部分. 它被认为是近亲 of Romani and Domari, spoken by the traditionally nomadic ethnic groups of Europe 和中东地区. 这种联系得到了同源民族名的支持 dom (Domaaki), rom (Romani) and lom (Domari), some shared phonological innovations, and these peoples’ traditional work as blacksmiths and musicians (Buddruss 1983, Lesný 1941, Lorimer 1939:20). Most scholars 同意这种联系(e).g. Masica 1991:427, Matras 2002:31),但没有深入研究 迄今为止已经进行了比较研究. 一些早期的资料称达乌迪为达尔迪人 language, likely because of its many loanwords from the neighboring Shina language, but this classification is incorrect (Backstrom 1992:104).

Typologically, the language is similar to others in the family. The phoneme inventory contains a large number of consonants, including bilabial, dental, retroflex and velar stops that all carry a three-way distinction in phonation: voiced, voiceless and voiceless aspirated. 元音可以是口音,也可以是鼻音. 因为没有标准,就有可观的 variation in pronunciation, even among speakers of the same dialect. The language 有凝集形态吗. Nouns inflect for gender and number, and take case markers 后置作为后缀. 动词系统很复杂. 茎因外形而异, distinguishing the imperfective from the perfective, while tense is conveyed through 助动词的使用,通常是连词. 包括主语和助动词 inflect for person and number, and for gender in the third person singular. The syntax is primarily SOV, and the auxiliary always follows the matrix verb (also see Weinreich 2011). As previously mentioned, there are two dialects, one spoken in each village. They are mutually intelligible; the differences are largely found in pronunciation and in certain vocabulary and morpheme choices (also see Weinreich 1999, 2008). 

Shakoor Ali的录音Dawoodi speaker Shakoor Ali (L) being interviewed by UAJK team members Sabir Hussain Shah和Ayesha Bukhari.

The Dawoodi language has been studied by only a handful of linguists to date. Most of the articles focus on the Hunza dialect; the existence of the Nagar dialect only came to scholars’ attention a few years ago (Weinreich 2008). 第一个语法,和 only book-length work on Dawoodi, was published by Lorimer in 1939. An amateur linguist, he was the first outsider to notice that the Dawoodi spoke a language different from their neighbors, and the first to suggest its relationship to Romani. It is now recognized that his book contains a number of errors, which have been corrected by later work. Most published articles focus on phonology (Yoshioka 2006), morphosyntax (Tikkanen 2011, Weinreich 2008) or comparative studies (Buddruss 1983, 1984, 1986), though a grammar sketch has been published in Russian (Weinreich 2011). There have also been a number of articles on the sociolinguistic situation (e.g. 巴克斯卓1992年,巴德鲁斯 2006, Kreutzmann 2005, Rahman 2003, Schmid 2007, Weinreich 2010, 2015).

Our project makes available, for the first time, recordings and transcriptions of 在日常生活中所说的达乌迪语. 精选四段不同主题的录音 are included here: Education, Old Days, Friends & Relatives and Planting & Food. Highlights can also be found via the navigation links to the left.

A complete set of recordings and transcriptions has been placed in the Kaipuleohone UH Digital Language Archive at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa.


Further Reading

Backstrom, Peter C. 1992. Domaaki. 北巴基斯坦社会语言学调查,卷. 2 .《菠菜网lol正规平台》编. by Peter C. Backstrom and Carla F. Radloff, 77-88. 伊斯兰堡:国家研究所 Quaid-i-Azam大学巴基斯坦研究专业的教授.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Ḍomáaki čhot ‘Ton’. Mit Beiträgen zur historichen Lautlehre. 科学学报,42 (5):521 - 521.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984年:“Domaaki-Nachtrage zum Atlas der Dardsprachen”." Münchener Studien [au:] [au:.9-24.

Buddruss, Georg. 1986年:“印地语phule, Domaaki phule.“科学研究与发展” 47.71-77.

Buddruss, Georg. 2006. 罕萨河谷的语言多样性. 转型中的喀喇昆仑: Culture, Development, and Ecology in the Hunza Valley, ed. by Hermann Kreutzmann, 236-245. 牛津:牛津大学出版社.

Kreutzmann, Hermann. 2005. 语言在时空上的多样性:一项研究 东兴都库什山脉和喀喇昆仑. 喜马拉雅语言学.1-24.

Lesný, V. 1941. Die Zigeuner sind urspr英语Die indischen Döms. Archiv Orientalni 12.121–7.

Lewis, M. Paul, Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig (eds.) 2016. Ethnologue: Languages 世界,第十九版. 达拉斯:SIL国际. Online:

Lorimer, D.L.R. 1939. The Ḍūmaki Language: Outlines of the Speech of the Ḍoma, or Bērīcho, of Hunza. Nijmegen: Dekker & van Vegt N.V.

Masica, Colin P. 1991. 印度-雅利安语. 剑桥:剑桥大学出版社.

Matras, Yaron. 2004. 罗马语:语言学入门. 剑桥:剑桥大学 Press.

克里斯托弗·莫斯利(Christopher Moseley)编.). 2010. 《lol菠菜网正规平台》第三版. 巴黎,联合国教科文组织出版社. Online:

Rahman, Tariq. 2003. Language policy, multilingualism and language vitality in Pakistan. Online: [pdf].

Schmid, Anna. 2007. 罕萨王国(巴基斯坦北部地区). Disappearing Peoples? Indigenous groups and ethnic minorities in South and Central Asia, ed. by Barbara 布劳尔和芭芭拉·罗斯·约翰斯顿,107-127. New York: Routledge.

Tikkanen, Bertil. 2011. Domaki名词的词形变化和大小写语法. Pū房车āparaprajnābhinandanam East and West, Past and Present: Indological and other essays in honour of Klaus Karttunen, ed. 作者:Bertil Tikkanen, Albion M. Butters, 205-228. 赫尔辛基:芬兰东方酒店 Society.

Weinreich, Matthias 1999. Der Domaakí-Dialekt von Nager. 学你的科学和技术 Iranistik 22.203–214.

Weinreich, Matthias 2008. 两种Ḍomaakí. 德意志时代Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 158.299-316.

Weinreich, Matthias. 2010. Language shift in Northern Pakistan: The case of Domaaki and Pashto. 伊朗和高加索地区.43-56.

Weinreich, Matthias. 2011. ДОМААКИ ЯЗЫК[多马基语]. Языки мира: Новые индоарийские языки [Languages of the World: New Indo-Aryan Languages], ed. by Tatiana I.Oranskaia, Yulia V. Mazurova, Andrej A. Kibrik, Leonid I. 库利科夫和亚历山大Y. Rusakov, 165-194. Moscow: Academia.

Weinreich, Matthias. 2015. 不仅在高加索:民族语言的多样性 the roof of the world. Studies on Iran and the Caucasus: In honor of Garnik Asatrian, ed. by Uwe Bläsing, Victoria Arakelova and Matthias Weinreich, 303-341. Leiden: Brill Publishers.

吉岡乾 [Yoshioka, Noboru]. 2006.ドマーキー语概要と音韻論スケッチ [Domaaki Overview and Phonological Sketch].言語情報学研究報告[Linguistic 信息研究报告[11].327-56.