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1983年室友:菠菜网lol正规平台 - house



It’s the fall of 1982 and new residents begin to arrive at the 菠菜网lol正规平台 International 中心(早年被称为中心)!). 我一直住在那所房子里 我现在的室友蒂姆已经在那里住了两年了.

Remember that in 1982, the house was just starting it’s 5th 一年, but this annual tradition of new faces, new languages, a welcome dinner and the beginning of new friendships 感觉这是一个悠久的传统. 这学期我的好朋友彼得 迪佩里搬进了房子.

To be h一个st, I had decided to live in the I-Center to be roommates with my high school 音乐专业的朋友和同学. 提供的国际经验是次要的 对我的考虑......约2周,即. 吃完午餐和晚餐后 孟加拉国、日本、巴拿马、德国、澳大利亚等国留学生. 等. 等.,我真的。 想象不出自己还能在别的地方生活吗. 这座房子曾经是,现在仍在继续 对我的生活有深远的影响吗. 在很多方面,这可能是因为我没有“寻找” 对于一种文化体验来说,获得一种文化体验有很大的影响. 我一直都这么说 the American residents have the most to gain in the house, because we have the least 其他文化的经历.

但是我离题了,回到页面顶部的那张照片. 这是房间的照片 the following 一年 (1983) when Peter Dippery (yellow sweatshirt), Kevin Howard (pipe) 和我(小号)成了室友. 我能听到你们中的一些人在想,“这是怎么回事 美国人是国际公寓的室友?”. 有一个更高的百分比 of Americans then, compared to 2022, and less effort was made to integrate residents 来自不同的国家. 彼得,凯文和我只是成为了好朋友,有一个 common love of music, and were all looking for new roommates at the end of the school 一年.

关于这两位优秀的先生,再多说一点. 凯文·霍华德和我都搬进了 81年秋天的房子. 我仍然清楚地记得在楼梯间遇见他 他以为我是我室友的弟弟,帮他搬进去. 我想我 18岁的时候看起来很年轻吗! 但不管怎样,凯文和我很快就成了朋友. 他热爱音乐,会弹吉他,而我是音乐专业的. 他刚刚 returned to the US from a stint in Germany, and as an army brat had spent time all 遍布全球. 他肯定有在其他国家的好故事 作为一个美国人. 虽然我父亲在希特勒崛起之前从德国移民到美国, 他并没有把他的德国血统传给别人. 我还没出过家门 US when I started college, so talking about Germany was something I remember doing 与凯文. 直到今天,凯文总是有这样的故事. 他的好多了 比起我的故事,我不要脸地讲他的故事而不是我自己的! 我们一直是好朋友 从我们相遇的那天起.

彼得·迪伯里和我在音乐上也很合拍. 他刚刚 spent a 一年 touring around the globe as a drummer with an organization called Up 与人. 我们同年高中毕业,学校相隔20英里, 圣何塞北部. 我们都在学校的爵士乐队,我们有

probably even shared the same stage at some jazz festival without even knowing it. He wasn’t a music major, but we both had an interest in song writing, Billy Joel and 各种各样的音乐.

It seemed obvious at the end of of the spring semester in 1983, that the three of 我们是室友. 多亏了彼得,我们有了一架电钢琴和一个小工作室 对音乐. 我带来了音响系统,音乐一直是我们在一起的时光的一部分.

多年来,我们三个一直保持着联系. 彼得和我会聚在一起 when our kids were young, we’d occasionally run into each other at Apple’s developer conference where I would be attending and he would be running media in the conference 我们还合作过一个音乐项目. 在最近 一年s though, I’m happy to see that Peter has not left his drums to memory, and he’s 仍然执行. 凯文和我去看过几次他的比赛. 至于凯文, 我们经常见面.

Seriously, he still has the best stories, even after knowing him for 4年…..什么? 4年?

Kevin-Bob-Peter 2022


Reminisces by a fall 2021 I-House resident and Summer 2022 European reunion 

Carlotta Zorzi于2022年4月访问I-House 

Carlotta Zorzi在I-House, 2022年4月

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to vist the I-House 10 一年s after my last 在那里的时候,哇,那是多么激动人心的时刻啊!  从我看到的那一刻起 all the flags dancing in the wind at the front, to the totem that read "Peace on Earth" in different languages, to getting emotional looking at our old Formal Dinner pictures, 赶上事情是如何变化的(或没有变化的)!)与现居居民... 这是 是我灵魂的盛宴.  

Knowing that the current state of the world, the I-House is still a place that gives me hope for the future:  A place where differences are celebrated, not condemned; a place where conflict is addressed with diplomacy, not retaliation; a place where disagreements are accepted - and often lead people to changing their minds or challenging 他们毋庸置疑的思维方式.  我从自己的时间里带走了很多东西 at the I-House, but the biggest lessons will always remain the importance of tolerance, 积极倾听和同情. 

Over the 一年s, many of us have taken very different paths in our life: Some of us 组建家庭,其他人专注于事业,有些人两者兼而有之.  然而,我 know for a fact that the bond we created back then will always be part of who we are, 不管我们在做什么.  谢谢你再次邀请我,豪斯.  谢谢 你仍然是欢笑、泪水、爱和成长的地方.  这个地方制造了 us, and that still makes us all feel so united because of all our differences.   



Have you ever met an old friend after a long time, noticing that from the last time 什么都没有改变?

This was my feeling when I first arrived at Joe's house in Algarve, a stunning region 在葡萄牙南部,参加我们的第一次大聚会.

A 一年 has passed since the first time I set foot on our beloved I-House for the Fall 学期2021. 

Those were four months full of laughs and adventures throughout California and beyond, with weekend getaways and unforgettable roadtrips to some special places, Yosemite 和太浩湖等等.

When we left San José, I wasn’t sure that we would see each other when back in Europe, because I feared that those unique memories and friendships would fade away when getting 回到我们祖国的日常和忙碌的生活. 

However, to my delight, we managed to stay in touch for all this time and finally 在八月组织了这次聚会.


Seeing some of the friends with whom we shared so many memories was such a dream!

We joined from Austria, Denmark, England, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.


From making delicious brunch at home, to spending a chill day at the pool, or watching 一边品尝葡萄牙美食,一边欣赏海滩上的日落,我们玩得很开心!

Being such a diverse group with all our different accents, made ourselves easily recognizable and we met funny people that were curious to know where we were all from, and a Dutch 家人甚至请我们喝了一杯阿玛古宁酒!

We made the most out of the little moments of everyday life, telling funny stories 在回忆过去一年的同时,还能制造出永恒的新记忆.

I am grateful for all the moments that we shared in and outside of the I-House, and while now it’s time to start another semester in Switzerland, I am sure that our paths 会再次跨越!


-Daniel Renzi, 2021年秋季I-House住户



时隔8年又回到I-House的感觉真好.  房子装修得很好 非常出色!

When life goes on after graduation, many times I have a feeling like everything (the 魔法!从I- house开始,我非常感激这个地方.  

I got to see I-House friends from around the world while traveling (UK, France, Ausria, 日本,美国.S...),以及他们来台湾访问的时候.  我们总是有一堆 有故事要讲,有事情要讲——你和这个世界是如此紧密相连!

8 一年s later today I'm even able to come back to attend my roommie Kayla's wedding!!! 还有什么比这更神奇的呢?!

迪迪黄 & 凯拉·布雷克利的婚礼聚会

I hope I-House will keep doing great for more young great spirits to have 魔法 in 他们的生活!  我们开始吧!

Many, many gratefulness to I-House and every一个 who takes care of this house so well!  


詹姆斯 & Alex (Lamperti) Herrin和Leann

詹姆斯 & 亚历克斯2021年


Nao Magami visited I-House from Los Angeles on his way back from a trip up north. 


Swar Shah从印度来访




请看哥伦比亚广播公司关于校友Sameer Saran的应用程序“ParkStash”的lol菠菜网正规平台报道 

Follow our 校友 Marie Hobson and Momoko Iwagami as they work in Greece for the school 快乐的商队

圣何塞州立大学lol菠菜网正规平台系学生Gabriel Mungaray视频



查看功能 2018年40周年校友聚会