
Duncan Hall ExteriorIn recent years, when our equipment budget has been meager, contributions have enabled us to purchase supplies and to replace obsolete equipment. Right now, our needs include (but are not limited to) Brunton transit compasses, petrographic microscopes, and 全球定位系统装置. Your donations also allow us to provide students with scholarships as well as help defray the cost of travel, thesis research, and 野外营地. We greatly appreciate contributions of all sizes and thank you for the support given to our programs.

请访问 Giving to 菠菜网lol正规平台 to donate online, by mail, or by ph一个. 请 scroll down to 搜索 All 菠菜网lol正规平台 奖学金 and click on the link "搜索 Scholarship" and locate 地质 Scholarship fund. 请 add a comment in the Special instructions text box to specify a specific Fund or Scholarship. If donating by check, please be sure to include that information on the memo line.

For further information on making a donation to the 地质 Department, please contact:

Manju Ramachandran
Director of Development, College of 科学
(408) 924-1487

Listing of Department Contribution Funds

The faculty and students extend our thanks to those making contributions to our department. If we have inadvertently omitted your name, please contact Ginny Smith at 金妮.smith@glass-ink.com and accept our heartfelt apologies.

Emeritus 教师 Fund
General Donations

地质 Scholarship

麦克斯维. Crittenden Jr. Memorial- 地质 Scholarship

诺曼·H. Dolloff Scholarship Fund

Listing of Current Endowments

The 地质 Department has received several endowments from from former students in honor of certain members of our faculty and emeriti, such as Dr. Calvin Stevens and Dr. 斯科特·克里族.

Calvin and Francis Stevens Endowed Fund

Darwin Summer Camp Endowed Fund

Jay and Laura Moffitt Endowed Fund

Tom Harris Endowed Fund