
Our MS in Speech-Language Pathology offers an in-depth study of communication disorders 强调发音和语音障碍的, 流利障碍(口吃), 辅助和替代沟通, 语音障碍, 吞咽困难(吞咽障碍), 神经源性交流障碍(失语症), 痴呆), 听力障碍, 语言障碍, 沟通的社会层面, 沟通的认知方面.

Courses and clinical opportunities place a high priority on assessment and intervention 在循证、道德和多元文化的框架内. 完成后 the master's degree, students are eligible to apply for certification with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, California state licensure, and California Speech 语言听力服务证书.


  • 官方头衔: MS in Speech Language Pathology, with Speech Language Pathology credential
  • 格式: 全职
  • 单位: 63个单位
  • 开始日期: 秋季学期
  • 课程长度: 2 years for in-field students, 3 years for out-of-field students
  • 申请截止日期: 2月1日


Students in the MS degree 程序 are expected to demonstrate competence in the Standards for the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology set forth by the Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. 此外, 研究生在CD&S部门也要展示自己的能力 在我们的 项目学习目标. We are currently 不 accepting applications for our Distance 教育 程序.



  • 巴解组织1 Apply foundational knowledge of speech-language, hearing, and swallowing disorder 在专业环境中.
  • 巴解组织2 Identify types of least-biased assessment, differential diagnoses, and culturally responsive interventions when working with persons and families from diverse backgrounds.
  • 巴解组织3 Provide collaborative, inter-professional, person-centered, and family-centered services 给客户的.
  • 巴解组织4 Integrate evidence-based practice to guide and inform clinical decisions and service 交付.
  • 巴解组织5 Model professionalism, ethical actions, and advocacy for persons with speech, language, 听力和吞咽障碍.
  • 巴解组织6 Use spoken and written communication skills appropriate for clinical practice in 语言语音病理学.


  • 学士学位,成绩为3.平均绩点0或更高
  • 测试需求
    • For applicants who come from a country where English is 不 the primary language and do 不 possess a baccalaureate degree from a post-secondary institution where English is the principal language of instruction, a higher English-language proficiency (ELP) 考试成绩是必需的 研究生课程考试要求 网页.
    • GRE是 入学要求
  • 项目的先决条件
    • 申请人将完成所有 项目的先决条件 before 程序 start date may apply to the two-year MS-SLP 程序. 为期两年的 程序 is appropriate for applicants who completed an undergraduate or post-baccalaureate 程序 in communication disorders that meet all the prerequisites.
    • 未完成所有课程的申请人 项目的先决条件 before 程序 start date should consider applying to the three-year extended MS-SLP 程序. The extended 程序 is appropriate for applicants who majored in field of 沟通障碍以外的研究(i.e. out-of-field student; OFS). 的先决条件 课程可以在大约两个学期内完成.


  • 该计划需要两个步骤的申请过程. 这两份申请都必须填写 在被考虑入学的截止日期前:
    • 大学申请:加州州立大学申请
    • Department Application: Communication 科学s and Disorders Centralized Application 服务(CSDCAS)


  • 核心课程39学分
  • 实习- 24个单元
  • 最终经验- 0-3个单位

有关本课程的更多细节,请访问 上海外国语大学目录网站. Below are samples of roadmaps for students who entered our 程序 in recent years.

A culminating experience is required for graduation and students have two options.

  1. 论文. Students can conduct a research project under the advisement of a faculty member. Students electing to complete a thesis will enroll in thesis for three credits during 二年级秋季学期; OR
  2. 综合考试. Students can successfully complete the comprehensive examination - also known as “竞争”——在他们的最后一个学期.


临床实践发生在各种环境中,包括我们的 Kay Armstead交流障碍中心. Students have clinical opportunities with infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, adults, and elders in a variety of settings, including public, private, and charter schools (preschool, elementary, middle, high schools), rehabilitation agencies, private 实践,熟练的护理设施和医院.

Candidates for the Master’s degree must accumulate a minimum of 375 clock hours in a supervised clinical practicum in three distinctively different settings and 25 hours 由ASHA认证的临床医生指导观察.



We generally refer students to take the 加州基础教育技能测验(cbe) but you do 不 have to if you meet 一个 of the other options outlined in the the CTC传单cl-667. If you decide to submit a test score from 一个 of the CTC leaflet alternatives, you 必须联系 上海州立大学卢里教育学院证书办公室 来验证有效性.


Given that the cbe is a state-level requirement for being credentialed as a speech-language pathologist, the cbe will have to be taken sometime during the 程序 before you 获得硕士学位. 被录取的申请者将会 be required to submit their cbe or alternative scores to our department before graduation.

要通过测试,你必须达到最低分数 加州基础教育技能测验(cbe) scaled score of 41 in each of the three sections - reading, writing, and mathematics. A section score as low as 37 is acceptable if the total scaled score is at least 123.

MS -语言病理学要求

All of our department requirements, including minimum GPA, writing requirements, culminating experiences, additional certifications, and more are outlined on the 上海外国语大学目录网站.


Students must complete all residency, curriculum, unit, GPA, and culminating experience 概述的需求 毕业要求 部分 毕业生政策和程序.


For information about financial aid opportunities, internship and job opportunities, 研究机会,以及更多,请访问我们的 学生资源网页.


理学硕士(M.S.语言病理学(住宿)课程 圣何塞州立大学 is accredited by the Council on Academic 认证 in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.

Our Master of 科学 程序 is also an approved 程序 of the California Licensing Board in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing 药品分发委员会加州教师资格认证委员会.



