A.S. 委员会

联合学生委员会是有影响力的政策和政策背后的推动力 initiatives within student government. Each committee works in conjunction with the 董事会 of Directors and are open to all 菠菜网lol正规平台 students. Whether you're a graduate student, 转学生,通勤学生,或新生,我们有一个座位在等你 的一个.S. committee table.

作为一名学生委员会成员,你有机会进行创作和投票 对影响校园,当地社区,甚至整个社会的政策和举措 基社盟系统. 这是参与学生会的绝佳机会, 如果你打算在 A.S. 董事会 of Directors.

A.S Committee Application Form 2023-2024: tinyurl.com/AS-joincommittee

join committee 2023-2024

用你的学生的声音通过大学和学术为斯巴达社区服务 委员会! 应用: University Senate Committee Application If you have any questions, please contact 的一个.S. 总统 at as-president@glass-ink.com. 斯巴达了!

你会发现描述,提供的自由学生名额,会议 dates and meeting times of each committee below.

2022-2023 Committee Meeting Minutes 

2023-2024 Committee Meeting Minutes

A.S. Academic Affairs Committee

每月第一个和第三个星期三下午三点在学生会开会 Meeting Room 5 during the fall semester.

该委员会旨在培养上海外国语大学的学术需求和发展 students through inclusive representation.  They will review University policies related to academic needs; implement programming in regards to students' academic needs and nurture positive interactions amongst faculty and students.

任何问题?  联系Academic Affairs Committee Chair: Director of Academic Affairs, Diya Doshi at diyarajesh.doshi@glass-ink.com. 


September 6, 2023 [docx] February 7, 2024 [pdf]                               
September 20, 2023 [pdf] February 21, 2024 [pdf]
October 4, 2023 (取消) March 6, 2024 [pdf]
October 18, 2023 [docx] March 20, 2024 [pdf]
November 1, 2023 [pdf] April 3, 2024 ——取消了
November 15, 2023 [docx] April 17, 2024 [pdf]
December 6, 2023 [docx] May 1, 2024 [pdf]

A.S. Finance Committee

每月第一个和第三个星期三下午3:00 -4:30在学生宿舍开会 Union Meeting Room 1A during the fall semester.

Associated 学生, 菠菜网lol正规平台 (A.S.) has set aside $150,000 for 2023-2024 to be available for eligible student organizations* of San Jose State University. This unique opportunity 学生组织是否可以为活动、会议等提供资金.  的一个.S. 财务委员会的任务是审查每项超过1 000美元的申请 maximum $3,000 submitted then determine the amount of financial support. 这个委员会 寻求八(8)名普通学生成为投票会员.

The committee is specifically responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring m一个y is available.***
  • 确定一个组织正确地请求了资金,如A.S. 预算政策.
  • Adhering to funding guidelines and policies approved by 的一个.S. 董事会.
  • 负责审核所有超过1000美元的申请,以获得A级资格.S. 基金.
  • To recommend to the 董事会 of Directors any changes proposed by 的一个.S. Finance Committee 财政预算案.

* For further details and areas of funding by A.S., please review 的一个.S. 预算 政策.
** 资金 is provided on a first come basis and is not guaranteed. 如果所有资金 预留已使用,资金申请将停止,直到以下学术 一年.

任何问题? Contact the Finance Committee Chair: A.S. Controller, Dhruv Varshney at as-controller@glass-ink.com.


September 6, 2023 [docx] February 7, 2024  [pdf]               
September 20, 2023 [docx] February 21, 2024 [pdf]
October 4, 2023 [docx] March 6, 2024 [pdf]
October 18, 2023 [docx]  March 20, 2024 [pdf]
November 1, 2023 [pdf] March 29, 2024 [pdf] - SPECIAL MEETING
November 15, 2023 [pdf] April 3, 2024 [pdf]
December 6, 2023 [pdf] April 5, 2025 [pdf] - SPECIAL MEETING
  April 17, 2024 [pdf] ——取消了
  May 1, 2024 [docx]

A.S. Internal Affairs

每月第一个及第三个星期三下午四时三十分至六时在大会堂开会.S. 政府 Office Conference 房间的.U. 2300).

The Internal Affairs Committee of Associated 学生, 菠菜网lol正规平台 (A.S.) is charged to ensure 文档是准确的,并且有效地提出了对A.S. 章程, (又名《菠菜网lol正规平台》)被记录、出版并供所有菠菜网lol正规平台学生使用. 其他职责包括会议和审查章程,并提出建议 彻底地.S. 向董事会汇报对其的修订,以及任何拟议的变更 in the University Governance Structure. 这个委员会 seeks three (3) 学生-at-Large to be apart of the voting membership. 

任何问题? Contact the Internal Affairs Committee chair: Director of Internal Affairs, Katelyn Gambarin at katelyn.gambarin@glass-ink.com.


September 6, 2023 [pdf] February 7, 2024 [pdf]                            
September 20, 2023 [pdf] February 21, 2024 [pdf]
October 4, 2023 [pdf] March 6, 2024 [pdf]
October 18, 2023 [pdf] March 20, 2024 [pdf]
November 1, 2023 [pdf] April 3, 2024 ——取消了
November 15, 2023 [pdf] April 17, 2024 [pdf]
December 6, 2023 [pdf] May 1, 2024 [pdf]

A.S. 游说团

每月第一个和第三个星期三下午4:30 -6:00在学生宿舍开会 Union Meeting Room 5 during the fall semester.

The 游说团 of Associated 学生, 菠菜网lol正规平台 (A.S.) is tasked to make recommendations 彻底地.S. 总统 and 的一个.S. 董事会 of Directors concerning the impact of pending legislation in the state legislature and the U.S. Congress concerning San José State 大学,加州州立大学系统,一般教育和高等教育 尤其是教育,以及该法案对圣何塞州的影响 University students. The committee is specifically responsible for the following, 但不限于:集会、写信运动和立法办公室访问. 该委员会寻求九(9)名普通学生作为投票成员.

任何问题? 联络游说团委员会主席:立法事务主任 Estevan Guzman at estevan.guzman@glass-ink.com. 



September 6, 2023 [docx]

February 7, 2024  [pdf]                              
September 20, 2023 [docx] February 21, 2024 [pdf]
October 4, 2023 [docx] March 6, 2024 [pdf]
October 18, 2023 [docx] March 20, 2024 [pdf]
November 1, 2023 [pdf] April 3, 2024 ——取消了
November 15, 2023 [docx] April 17, 2024 [pdf]
December 6, 2023 [docx] May 1, 2024 [docx]



A.S. Operations Committee

每月第2及第4个星期五上午11时至下午12时在大会堂开会.S. 政府 Office Conference 房间的.U. 2300).

The purpose of 的一个.S. Operations Committee is to assess A.S. programs and services, along with 的一个.S. 战略计划, as an evaluation of the organization’s needs and 有效性. 这个委员会 seeks two (2) 学生-at-Large to be a part of the voting membership.
The duties of 的一个.S. Operations Committee:

  • Review the 战略计划 to evaluate its alignment with A.S. goals, mission statement, 和项目.
  • Analyze and evaluate results of assessment tools used.
  • Provide input to conduct a needs assessment of the student population.

任何问题? 联系A.S. Operations Committee chair: Director of 业务 Affairs, Het Tikawala at het.tikawala@glass-ink.com. 


September 8th, 2023 [pdf] February 9, 2024 [pdf]
September 22nd, 2023 [pdf] February 23, 2024 [pdf]
October 13th, 2023 [docx] 2024年3月8日——取消了
October 27, 2023 ——取消了 March 22, 2024 [pdf]
November 3, 2023 [pdf] April 12, 2024 ——取消了
November 17, 2023 [pdf] 2024年4月26日 [pdf]
December 8, 2023 [pdf]  

A.S. Programming 董事会

Meets every Wednesday of each month from 9:00am-10:00am in 的一个.S. 政府 Office Conference 房间的.U. 2300).

The Programming 董事会 of Associated 学生, 菠菜网lol正规平台 (A.S.) is tasked to create, organize, 促进和执行激发学生参与的项目 with campus community; such programs shall be inclusive of all students and many events target specific interests. 的一个.S. Programming 董事会 has a collaborative and supportive relationship with 的一个.S. 市场营销与A.S. Special 事件 部门. 这个委员会 寻求最多20名学生成为投票会员.

任何问题? 联络计划委员会主席:联合课程事务主任,Sahithya Swaminathan at sahithya.swaminathan@glass-ink.com. 


January 24, 2024 [pdf] March 13, 2024 [pdf]
January 31, 2024 ——取消了 March 20, 2024 [pdf]
February 7, 2024 ——取消了 March 27, 2024 [pdf]
February 14, 2024 [pdf] April 10, 2024 [pdf]
February 21, 2024 [pdf] April 17, 2024 [pdf]
February 28, 2024 [pdf] 2024年4月24日
March 6, 2024 [docx] May 1, 2024 [pdf]
  May 8, 2024 [pdf]

A.S. 校园生活 Affairs Committee

Meets every Friday from 12:00pm-1:00pm in 的一个.S. 政府 Office Conference Room (S.U. 2300).

校园生活事务委员会的目的是解决学生关心的问题 life and to improve the out-of-classroom experience.  The duties are to collaborate 共同营造积极的校园氛围,并创造 主动提高和提高对课堂外体验的认识.

任何问题? Contact the chair of 的一个.S. 校园生活 Affairs Committee: Director of Student Resource Affairs, Sam Brown at samuel.s.brown@glass-ink.com. 


January 26, 2024 [pdf] March 22, 2024 ——取消了
February 2, 2024 ——取消了 March 29, 2024 ——取消了 [pdf]
February 9, 2024 [pdf] April 12, 2024 [pdf]
February 16, 2024 [pdf] April 19, 2024 [pdf]
February 23, 2024 [pdf] 2024年4月26日 ——取消了
March 1, 2024 [pdf] 2024年5月3日







A.S. Multicultural Advisory  Committee

Meets every 1st Wednesday of each month from 1:30pm-2:30pm in 的一个.S. 政府 Office Conference 房间的.U. 2300).

多元文化咨询委员会的目的是为学生提供一个空间 来自不同的校园中心可以解决跨文化问题,缓解现有的 空间的差距和学生的声音在对话周围的代表性 多样性,公平和包容,因为它涉及到学生和大学 & Academic practices, policies, and procedures. The Multicultural Advisory Committee 作为一个咨询委员会,向总裁和其他高层提供信息 accountable on the cabinet level. 

任何问题? 联系A.S. Multicultural Advisory Committee chair: Director of Intercultural Affiars, Ariana Shah at ariana.shah@glass-ink.com. 


September 14th, 2023 [pdf] February 7th, 2024 [pdf]
October 12th, 2023 [docx] March 6th, 2024 [pdf]
November 9th, 2023 [docx] May 1st, 2024 [docx]

学生' Election Commission

Meets every Friday from 10:00am - 11:00am in 的一个.S. 政府 Office Conference 房间的.U. 2300).

这个委员会 oversees 的一个.S. 选举 held each 一年 in the spring.  美国证交会 官员们在秋季学期被任命,所以他们准备在春季去.  他们会为那些想要在 的一个.S. 董事会和计划活动导致的选举,如开球 还有辩论.  Each officer of the SEC must commit to spending two hours in their 办公室设在2楼的学生会,以防有人有问题.  They also have weekly meetings and the calendar is list below.

January 26, 2024 [pdf] 2024年3月8日
February 2, 2024 [pdf] 2024年3月15日
February 9, 2024 [pdf] March 22, 2024 [pdf]
February 16, 2024 [pdf] March 29, 2024 [pdf]
  April 5th, 2024 [pdf]
February 23, 2024 [pdf] April 12th, 2024 [pdf]
March 1, 2024 [pdf] April 19, 2024 [pdf]

April 26th, 2024 [pdf]


Special 委员会

Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee of Associated 学生, 菠菜网lol正规平台 (A.S.) is tasked to assist the A.S. 总统 in completing periodic evaluations of 的一个.S. Executive Director, in accordance with the provisions of 的一个.S. 规章制度 and the employment contract. Additionally, further duties include: recommending 彻底地.S. Executive Director 任何业务改进和员工福利,建议人事政策 的一个.S. professional and contractual employees 彻底地.S. 董事会, adopt all rules 以及制定管理公司的《菠菜网lol正规平台》所需的程序 personnel affairs of A.S., and provide documentation and support when called upon 提交人事委员会注意的申诉事项 to the Employee Handbook. The voting membership of this committee is set forth by 的一个.S. 规章制度.
*There are no Student-at-Large appointed to this committee.

有关人事委员会的更多信息,请联系A.S. 总统 or stopping by 的一个.S. 政府 Office.




March 29, 2024 [pdf]

    2024年4月26日 [pdf]
    2024年5月3日 [pdf]

Executive Committee
执行委员会的职能是管理联会的事务 学生 and implement all legislation passed by 的一个.S. 董事会 of Directors. 应当 协调与其他学生社团及校方的关系.

*There are no Student-at-Large appointed to this committee.


October 30, 2023 [pdf]  

 Spartan Community Fund
该委员会为大学内的某些部门拨款以提供帮助 with programs that benefit students.


January 26, 2024 [pdf] March 22, 2024 ——取消了 [pdf]
February 23, 2024 [pdf] 2024年4月26日
  May 3, 2023 [pdf]

 Audit Committee
审计委员会的目的是审查外部进行的审计 审计公司.


August 10,2023 [pdf]  
September 1, 2023 [pdf]  

选举 Appeal 董事会

该委员会审查学生选举决定后的所有申诉 Commission for grievances. 
