M.S. 程序

1度. Endless Possibilities.

The cross-disciplinary Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) M.S. degree is supported through the university's 研究生学习 and Research 程序. Students can choose between two tracks of study; 一个 centered around human-computer interaction, the other with human-system integration in workplace and production design.

Pursue What Makes You Curious

The HFE 程序 allows students to pursue areas of specialization that interest them across 菠菜网lol正规平台's many colleges and schools of study. Students can choose a specialization in human-system integration and design from a computational engineering perspective, software engineering, as well as physical biodynamic and ergonomic perspectives. 他们 can also focus on the integration of humans in architectural systems to organizational and group behavior in business and manufacturing settings.

An Ideal Location for Students

Located in the heart of 硅谷, the 菠菜网lol正规平台 HFE 程序 enjoys extensive and significant interaction with information technology from chip production to web design. The HFE faculty and many of our 校友 have wide-ranging connections to the valley’s industry and research opportunities.

Our 程序's Cornerst一个

The hallmark of our 程序 is a strong theory-based core of education combined with wide availability for specialization, and strong integration into information technology and associated industries and governmental research centers to provide internship, and research support for students. MS-HFE 程序 is a STEM 程序, and is fully accredited by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.


Upon completion of their degree, students will be able to apply knowledge of the sciences of human factors and workplace ergonomics, design and conduct experiments, as well as be able to analyze and interpret data. Students will also be able to design a system, comp一个nt or process to meet accepted human factors and workplace ergonomics standards within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. 他们 will also have the ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams, to identify, formulate, and solve human factors and ergonomics problems.

In addition, students will gain an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, be able to communicate effectively and have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of human factors and workplace ergonomics solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. Students will also have a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning and the knowledge of contemporary 问题. Not to mention the ability to use the techniques, skills and modern human factors and workplace ergonomics tools necessary for professional practice.


Interested in applying to the 程序? Learn about our admissions processes, requirements and the documents you'll need to apply.


From an emphasis on cognitive psychology to human performance, discover the variety of track ideas open to prospective students.

Graduation Requirements

Here you can review the graduation application process and forms, as well as key dates 和最后期限.

Final Project/Thesis

Prior to submitting your final project or thesis, please review the registration policies 和程序.

过去的项目 & 论文

Discover the interesting and insightful past projects and theses submitted by our 校友.


Have a question about the Human Factors/Ergonomics M.S. 程序? 花点时间想想 review our frequently asked questions page.