San Jose State University
Latinx leadership interview

Catching Up with Kathy

Our October newsletter is slightly delayed because of scheduling difficulties for our latest episode of our video series “Good Trouble.这一集是为了庆祝西班牙传统月(9月9日). 15th to Oct. 15th) features the experiences, stories, 以及我们墨西哥裔和拉丁裔员工的智慧, faculty, 以及我们校园的管理人员:Magdalena Barrera, Marcos Pizzaro, Fernanda Perdomo-Arciniegas, Lilly Pinedo Gangai, and Ana Navarrete. We think you will enjoy watching this episode full of personal journeys and encouragement to make Good Trouble.

We have been receiving messages of concern about the continued work moving forward on institutional efforts to address systemic racism, 在接下来的几个月里,随着我们校园领导层的更迭,我们将面临系统性的公平问题. Although President Papazian’s support and leadership was instrumental in the gains made on this campus in DEI, 她的离开并不意味着这种势头的结束. ODEI将继续合作并发挥领导作用, support, consulting, 以及推动我们机构进行系统性变革的人员配备. 我们任命了Chicanx/Latinx Equity的临时董事, Fernanda Perdomo-Arciniegas who steps away from her role of Deputy Diversity Officer for this interim appointment. 我们继续为我们的校园提供培训 微侵犯和偏见以及如何干预的mpp. Our Spartan Employee Affinity Group program for faculty and staff is up and running with great participation and increased activities focused on DEI and belonging by and for employees. Our Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) is up and running with faculty mentoring undergraduate researchers. 通过与圣克拉拉县的顾问合同, ODEI, through the Research Foundation, is working with seven 菠菜网lol正规平台 research faculty in a project to inform the SC County Hate Prevention and Inclusion Task Force in its recommendations to the County. 我们还在组织首届年会 Spartan Legacy Run around the 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus featuring opening comments from our new Director and Head Track Coach of Track and Field, and Cross Country. 总而言之,我们这个月忙得不可开交.

We encourage you to drop by our new offices on the first floor of the Administration Building to say hello.

Hispanic Heritage Celebration
ODEI ACTION for October
Employee Affinity Group Update
PRIDE FSA Photo Collage

Formed in 1992, PRIDE Faculty and Staff Association (PRIDE FSA) is open to all faculty and staff members interested in the spectrum of gender identity and sexuality at San José State University.


  • 为PRIDE的教职员工提供一个安全和支持的网络.
  • Promote PRIDE community advocacy.
  • 为教育工作者提供有关性别认同和性取向问题的资料.

如果您有任何问题或想加入PRIDE FSA,请点击下面!

Here's the Difference
According to the Library of Congress, “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. 在美国,6月的最后一个星期天最初被庆祝为“同性恋骄傲日”," but the actual day was flexible. In major cities across the nation the "day" soon grew to encompass a month-long series of events. Today, celebrations include pride parades, picnics, parties, workshops, symposia and concerts, 以及LGBTQ骄傲月的活动吸引了全球数百万的参与者. Memorials are held during this month for those members of the community who have been lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS. 纪念月的目的是为了表彰女同性恋者, gay, 双性恋和变性人在当地的历史上一直很重要, nationally, and internationally.”

LGBTQ+历史月于1994年由罗德尼·威尔逊发起, a high school teacher and some of his community members with the hope of giving LGBTQ+ kids a chance to learn their history and see themselves in those who came before them. October was chosen because National Coming Out Day was already established during the month and it also coincided with the anniversary of the first march on Washington for gay and lesbian rights in 1979. In 1995, a resolution passed by the General Assembly of the National Education Association included LGBT History Month within a list of commemorative months. According to GLAAD, “during the early years, the celebration was largely marked by a call to action and commemoration. But since then, LGBT History Month has blossomed into a national coordinated effort to highlight exemplary role models from the LGBT community. Since 2006, this push has so far been led by LGBT rights and education organization Equality Forum.”

filipino american history month.png
Happy Filipino American History Month!

The celebration of Filipino American History Month in October commemorates the first recorded presence of Filipinos in the continental United States, which occurred on October 18, 1587, when “Luzones Indios” came ashore from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Esperanza and landed at what is now Morro Bay, California. In 2009, U.S. 国会承认10月为美国的菲律宾裔美国人历史月.

Image credit

菠菜网lol正规平台 Legacy Run 2021 Informational Flyer
Transforming Communities:
A Movement to Racial Justice
Reflection. Discovery. Action.
Transforming Communities General Flyer
Join Us!

员工联系是ODEI为员工创建的月度会议, faculty, and administrators where they can share a virtual lunch or coffee break with their colleagues and talk about anything and everything that may be of interest to them and/or the group. This initiative was born last year as a result of the feedback received during the pre and post election sessions that ODEI held in partnership with University Personnel, Center for Faculty Development and LifeMatters EAP by Empathia where attendees suggested the creation of a space where people could meet over zoom and connect with each other since the pandemic had limited our interpersonal interactions. 员工联系课程的目的是帮助结识新朋友, learning from each other, and creating community. 这些课程面向所有菠菜网lol正规平台员工,包括为我们的辅助机构工作的员工. Join us!

Recommended Reads banner
The readings and resources in this section are designed to help our campus learn about theories, frameworks, 研究和资源有助于我们实现多样性的主要目标, equity, 通过建立我们的智力肌肉来帮助我们看到我们的世界, analyze our world, 并将我们所学到的知识应用于增加公平. The readings are chosen because they are able to overview or introduce complex concepts in ways that promote understanding among a wide variety of readers, occupational foci, and time constraints. 



七分之一的人在美国标记“其他种族”.S. Census. That's A Big Data Problem


一部关于美国土地政治和经济的纪录片, 根据一个墨西哥裔美国人的村庄在20世纪50年代被夷为平地建造道奇体育场的故事改编.

Book banning isn’t a thing of the past. 我们采访了有过这种经历的作家.
From chapter books to graphic novels, challenged literature provides a snapshot into some of the anxieties that drive media censorship.

During the pandemic, 十几岁的女孩在家里承担了更多的照顾工作, 加班和组织种族正义抗议的负担. 在许多情况下,它颠覆了他们的生活.


黑人儿童因不存在的罪行而入狱. 大人们几乎什么事也没发生.
唐娜·斯科特·达文波特法官负责卢瑟福县的少年司法系统, Tennessee, 有着囚禁儿童的惊人历史. She said kids must face consequences, 这似乎很少适用于她或其他负责的成年人.

To Those Who Have Stayed
For a few years after I graduated college, 我做了几份兼职,然后做了一份薪水极低的全职工作, while I tried and tried…

为2020年人口普查更新我们的种族隔离研究|其他 & Belonging Institute
作为我们正在进行的种族居住隔离研究的一部分, we offer two new reports based on the latest demographic data of the San Francisco Bay Area and nationally using the recently-released 2020 Census. 我们还大幅改进了交互式网络工具.

一步一步的指导建立自己的祭坛这Día de Muertos
From October 31 to November 2, people across Latin America lovingly memorialize their deceased relatives and friends in a joyous ceremony.

Opinions around the word Hispanic versus Latino or the newer Latinx are rooted in personal experiences. 让我们来看看6200多万美国人是如何做到这一点的.S. fall under the Hispanic umbrella.

更高的毕业率和大学入学率被跟踪到课程上, 但研究人员敦促在解释这项研究时要谨慎.


The Vanishing Half (book)

Passing (book)

Educational Episodes Banner
这些播客和视频将讨论与多样性有关的问题, equity, 和包容性,也是为了帮助我们学习理论, frameworks, research and resources. They will help us see our world, analyze our world, 并将我们所学到的知识应用于增加公平. We are also looking to be more inclusive and share a wide variety of learning resources that can be consumed while we are doing other things, like walking the dog, driving, exercising, making dinner, or washing the dishes. We hope you enjoy this regular posting.

Who You Calling “Hispanic”?

What Does It Mean To Be Latino? The 'Light-Skinned Privilege' Edition


The Myth Of The 'Latino Vote'

9/11 Immigration Legacy

The Vaccine Inequity Pandemic

The Moving Border: Part 1: The North

The Moving Border: Part 2: The South

It's Lit! 拉丁裔小说家如何用两种语言生活和写作.Latino

Because of Anita

The Dark Side of Skin Lightening

Fruits of Labor

Janet Stovall:如何认真对待工作场所的多样性和包容性

南湖播客:一场关键的种族理论之战 - NBC News
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CONTACT US     •     408-924-8168
Kathleen Wong(Lau), PhD
Felicia McKee-Fegans, MA Ed
craig John Alimo, PhD
Patience D. Bryant, PhD
IG: @pdb_phd
TW: @pdb_phd
Fernanda Perdomo-Arciniegas, MPA
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San Jose State University
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0007

Last Updated Nov 24, 2021