San Jose State University
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
May 2021 Newsletter
Welcome to our newsletter. Find out what ODEI has been up to!

What's Up with craig?

In this month’s installment of “Good Trouble - Stories of Activism and Necessary Trouble from Bay Area Leaders,” we are recognizing LGBTQ+ Pride Month.  While Pride Month is celebrated during June, many colleges and universities celebrate during April as most of our communities are away from campus. 所以我们将平分差额,并邀请一位了不起的教育家和活动家开始, right here at 菠菜网lol正规平台.  Dr. Kathleen Wong(刘銮雄饰)有机会与一位 maven 在社会正义教育的世界,也是校友和前菠菜网lol正规平台斯巴达人,博士. Warren Blumenfeld.  Warren currently teaches at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst in the Social Justice Education Program in the College of Education where i had the pleasure of meeting Warren many years ago.  i was lucky enough to know Warren while a student in that program as he mentored myself and many others in our training as designers and facilitators of social justice educational courses, workshops, and dialogues.  During the summer of 2019, i had an opportunity to reconnect with Warren in Amherst at a Social Justice Education Program reunion of sorts during an Intergroup Dialogue Conference there where Warren shared with me that he was an alum of 菠菜网lol正规平台 and would LOVE to join us on campus. 虽然COVID阻止我们亲自连接,但我们现在将不得不满足于缩放...


沃伦和他的一位同事/导师——已故的沃伦博士——并没有什么不同. 玛丽安·亚当斯——对历史和知识有着百科全书般的头脑, 在谈及社会压迫的重大话题时,他始终保持着幽默感.  沃伦一直是社会正义教育领域出现的主要贡献者, 在他的职业生涯中,他也是一个多产的贡献者.  作为一名作家和开创性著作的共同编辑,沃伦撰写并贡献了 Homophobia: How we all pay the price, Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice (即将发行的第4版),补充版 Readings for Diversity and Social Justice (also in its 4th edition), Looking at Gay and Lesbian life, and 调查美国的基督教特权和宗教压迫 amongst others.   沃伦同时也是《lol菠菜网正规平台》的编辑博主 Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, and Tikkun Daily


Listen to Warren and Kathy discuss many topics, 比如沃伦跟汤米·史密斯和约翰·卡洛斯上的课, 同性恋解放运动的早期都是在上海大学组织的, 以及圣何塞市的第一次骄傲游行, and coincidentally being on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus following the 2016 elections and participating in the impromptu event facilitated by Kathy.  Listen in as Warren speaks of his most challenging and important days of his life on the 菠菜网lol正规平台’ll be glad you did.


Campus Involvement in DEI


APIDA Student Success Task Force Review>

A review team has been charged with evaluating and making recommendations for the establishment of a campus Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Student Success Center. The review team has been gathering information and conducting campus interviews and focus groups with students, staff and faculty to learn about perspectives, needs, and effective practices. 该团队由三名主要成员组成:


Dr. Connie Tingson-Gatuz, 麦当娜大学负责学生事务和使命整合的副校长


Dr. Samuel D. 他是加州大学圣地亚哥分校教育研究教授


Dr. Kathleen Wong(Lau),圣何塞州立大学首席多元化官


The three primaries will consult with Dr. Peter Kiang, Professor and Director of Asian American Studies at University of Massachusetts, Boston.




Bias Incident Resource Team 

偏见事件资源小组(BIRT)是一个非司法机构, non-investigative campus based team of trained professionals that support members of San Jose State University who bring  forward initial allegations of bias. The purpose of the team is to connect individuals who have been impacted by bias incidents to education, resources, and support. When appropriate BIRT also connects individuals to appropriate offices of investigative and judicial processes for Title IX, Student Conduct and Ethical Behavior, and Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation. BIRT does not make determinations about policy violations and or crimes and does not take the place of investigation or adjudication. BIRT所做的是为那些不符合违规级别的情况提供资源, but that nonetheless need support, intervention, and resources. BIRT成员作为一个团队定期咨询第九条, Student Conduct and Ethical Development, the Office of Diversity Equity & Inclusion, 和DHR,以便决定适当的资源, interventions, and support. 想要举报偏见事件的个人可以填写这张表格 Bias Incident Online Form.


The Bias Incident Resource Team members are:


Kathleen Wong(Lau)

Patience Bryant

Alex Froehlich

Julie Paisant

Wendi Liss

Black Spartan Advisory Council

Representing students, faculty, 以及来自各个部门和部门的员工, San Jose State University’s Black Spartan Advisory Council was formed in June 2020 in response to the ongoing injustices facing Black/African American individuals on and off campus. Co-chaired by Dr. Monica Allen and Jahmal Williams, 这群志愿者与行政部门和其他校园伙伴一起倡导 为黑人/非裔美国人社区成员争取充分的平等、认可和包容.


Current Members

Dr. Monica Allen 

Jahmal Williams


Davier Floyd 

Dr. Denise.Dawkins 

Felicia Fegans 

Ge Loria Oliver 

Joe Fessehaye 

Leslye M. Tinson

Kennedy Jackson 

Michael Randle 

Dr. Michelle Hampton 

Michelle Randle 

Raymond Harbert  

Subrina Martin  

Valerie Chapman 



The CCDEI is comprised of 32 members appointed through a nomination process and co-chaired by Angee Ortega McGhee (staff), Anne Marie Todd (faculty), and Kathleen Wong(Lau), (首席多元化官)将于2021年4月和5月举行会议. The CCDEI is a standing committee charged by President Papazian to assess and make recommendations on existing initiatives and practices that are effective in systemic change on diversity, equity, 和包容性,并为新举措提出建议. The CCDEI has formed six working groups to address issues of: 1) students; 2) staff; 3) faculty; 4) local community, including alums; 5) data; and 6) communication. The CCDEI is currently working with subcommittees to gather information on top priorities for various historically underrepresented and underserved communities to present to and inform the work of the CCDEI. The CCDEI co-chairs expects to write and submit its first report to President Papazian by June 1, 2021. The CCDEI members are appointed for two years and will continue with more extensive work in these areas starting in Fall of 2021 for a full academic year into Spring 2022 with a second report on June 1, 2022. 

ODEI in Action for May image
Employee Connections, May 11 at Noon
Join Us!

员工联系是ODEI为员工创建的月度会议, faculty, and administrators where they can share a virtual lunch or coffee break with their colleagues and talk about anything and everything that may be of interest to them and/or the group. This initiative was born last year as a result of the feedback received during the pre and post election sessions that ODEI held in partnership with University Personnel, Center for Faculty Development and LifeMatters EAP by Empathia where attendees suggested the creation of a space where people could meet over zoom and connect with each other since the pandemic had limited our interpersonal interactions. 员工联系课程的目的是帮助结识新朋友, learning from each other, and creating community. 这些课程面向所有菠菜网lol正规平台员工,包括为我们的辅助机构工作的员工. Join us!

Banner for Lightning Reads

本部分的阅读资料和资源旨在帮助我们的校园学习理论, frameworks, 研究和资源有助于我们实现多样性的主要目标, equity, 通过建立我们的智力肌肉来帮助我们看到我们的世界, analyze our world, 并将我们所学到的知识应用于增加公平. The readings are chosen because they are able to overview or introduce complex concepts in ways that promote understanding among a wide variety of readers, occupational foci, and time constraints. We hope you enjoy this regular posting.

Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome For many women, 感觉自己是局外人并不是一种错觉——这是系统性偏见和排斥的结果.


To retain BIPOC women faculty, 大学必须消除他们在高等教育内部面临的障碍 他们必须消除这些学者面临的主要障碍,Chavella T. 他提供了一些关键的建议.



Boston University mental health experts published a set of guides for helping students who take leaves of absence for psychological reasons.


Have You Heard? banner image

所提供的播客将讨论与多样性有关的问题, equity, 和包容性,也是为了帮助我们学习理论, frameworks, research and resources. These podcasts will help us see our world, analyze our world, 并将我们所学到的知识应用于增加公平. We are also looking to be more inclusive and share a wide variety of learning resources that can be consumed while we are doing other things, like walking the dog, driving, exercising, making dinner, or washing the dishes. We hope you enjoy this regular posting.

I won't Pay! 数百万美元的智利学生债务是如何化为乌有的? - Ra有声英语播客(西班牙语) 


Stories of the Puerto Rican Experience (available in both languages: English and Spanish - disponible en inglés y español) 4. 别克斯岛和重建美好的承诺|拉布雷加


Colombia: 1152 líderes asesinados, 1153, 1154…


ColombiaSOS Presunto Podcast | Podcast on Spotify 

The Red Note - Testimonios of femicides in Ciudad Juárez

Flyer for Blackity Black Chat with Dr. B, May 11 at 5 p.m.
APIDA end of year celebration, May 28 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Virtual 菠菜网lol正规平台 Black Grad Celebration
Chicano Commencement Ojo.jpg


We are excited to celebrate our LGBTQ+ graduates this year with a *Virtual* Rainbow Graduation Celebration!  This year we will be celebrating Rainbow Graduation virtually through a tribute on our website and social media channels.

Sign Up for *Virtual* Rainbow Graduation by Today, Monday, May 10th.   


International Graduates Virtual Celebration


2021年5月28日(周五)| 5:00-6:00 PM(太平洋时间)| via Zoom

ISSS welcomes graduating international students, friends, and family to join us for a virtual celebration.

Graduating students:

  • Kindly confirm your attendance no later than May 20, 2021. 
    • 确认出席时,请准备好上传以下文件:
      • 1 photo of yourself 
      • 致同学或家人的简短信息(300字以内)
  • Apply to be a student speaker by May 2, 2021. (连结即将上载)我们将选出两名学生在虚拟庆祝活动上发言.
  • Guests are welcome to attend! Guests may register here. (注:嘉宾注册链接与毕业生注册链接不同.)

TRIO Aspire and McNair Programs 

Contact Maria Cruz at


Veterans Program 

Contact Ryan Gwilt at

apali pamphlet.png
APALI YLA Outreach  Information

APALI's Youth Leadership Academy is designed for students interested in exploring Asian American experience and identity, community issues and civic engagement, academic and career pathways. YLA与De Anza学院在夏季学期合作提供ASAM 10(4个单元)。. 学生必须在大学或进入高三或大三今年秋天.


You are welcome to nominate students that might be a good fit. Students can also apply directly. As this is a popular program, 感兴趣的学生应在5月18日第一次审查日期之前完成申请, 2021.


如果你想在课堂上做一个5分钟的简短介绍, please reach out to Phoebe, APALI's head intern, at to schedule.


Hate Crimes Resources flyer
CONTACT US     •     408-924-8168
Kathleen Wong(Lau), PhD
Felicia McKee-Fegans, MA Ed
craig John Alimo, PhD
Patience D. Bryant, PhD
Fernanda Perdomo-Arciniegas, MPA
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San Jose State University
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0007



Last Updated Oct 18, 2023