


This morning you received a 校园 菠菜网lol正规平台Alert message about an anti-Asian hate crime attack that targeted a male of Asian descent on our 校园 early this morning. 的 suspect was arrested and the victim has received medical care. 据我们所知 嫌疑人和受害者都不是学校的附属机构.

As I am sure for many of you, when we read this message our first concern is for the safety of members of our 校园 community as well as the safety of our local community. We are concerned not just for our physical safety but also for our social psychological 安全和福祉. Hate crimes, especially crimes of assault and battery are especially frightening because they can make entire communities feel vulnerable, often altering our sense of safety and even changing our everyday behaviors and routines. 事实并非如此 unreasonable to feel fearful, vulnerable, powerless or angry even if you have no personal 与受害者的联系. In the case of anti-Asian hate crimes we are particularly concerned for the most vulnerable in our community: our elders who have been systematically 过去几年的目标. Anti-Asian hate incidents and crimes have escalated in the last two years around the country including here in the Bay Area. 还有圣何塞 州立大学也不能幸免于这些趋势. 我们理解这种仇恨是 based in white supremacy and systemic racism which permeates our society including 媒体与政治. We know that hate crimes are not isolated incidents. 作为一个机构 我们反对仇恨和基于仇恨的暴力. 这里有一些事情 做:

  • We are working with our local community to provide University Police with materials for AAPI specific resources and services to be distributed to the victim since the 死者不是圣何塞州立大学的学生.
  • ODEI, Asian Pacific Islander Desi/American Student Success Center (APID/A), Asian Pacific Islander 教师 and 员工协会, and 马赛克跨文化中心 will continue to reach out and monitor community concerns.
  • We will continue to liaise with Chief Carroll of 菠菜网lol正规平台 UPD to provide opportunities 沟通问题和关注.
  • We have met with Associated Students President, Nina Chuang to discuss this incident 并将继续共同努力向前迈进.


  • Please take time to check in, to care for and to get to know 一个 another. ……很重要。 for us to build and maintain our community to support 一个 another.
  • 自我教育 反亚洲种族主义和COVID-19 (科罗拉多州)
    • Antiracist ToolkitsAntiracist Toolkit, Department of Asian Studies (UNC, Chapel Hill)
    • AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) Racial Justice Toolkit (Vanderbilt)

In closing, as members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community, we want to express our grief and anger at this terrible hate crime that took place on our 校园. We also want to let you know that we are here and that our offices and organizations are available to hold space and provide opportunities to process as a community or 即使是一对一的. For any一个 feeling the impacts of this hate crime we have resources available for you to process the many complex emotions you may be feeling during this time. 请知道你并不孤单. 无论是学生还是员工,我们的校园 你有咨询和资源吗.


Kathleen Wong(Lau)首席多元化官, 多元化、公平和包容办公室

Jinni Pradhan, Program Director, APID/A Student Success Center

Bonnie Sugiyama, Chair, 亚太岛民教职员协会

Chris Yang, Director, 马赛克跨文化中心

As always, we have resources to help those who may need them. 学生可联络 Counseling and Psychological Services or 菠菜网lol正规平台在乎, while employees are encouraged 联系员工援助计划. 我们也提供行为干预 Team (BIT) that takes referrals regarding 校园 community members who may need assistance 在心理健康支持方面. BIT可以咨询或联系个人 提供支持. Call 408-924-6339 or use this non-emergency referral form. 下面 is a list of 校园 based organizations and resources with staff who are knowledgeable 关于这些问题上的反亚洲仇恨和支持. 请联络他们:

  • APID/A Student Success Center, Program Director Jinni Pradhan, jinni.pradhan@glass-ink.com
  • APIFSA员工亲和组,主席,邦妮·杉山,邦妮.sugiyama@glass-ink.com
  • 马赛克跨文化中心,导演,Chris Yang, christopher.yang@glass-ink.com

下面 is a list of local community resources that can provide a starting place for legal and social services where staff are knowledgeable about anti-Asian hate and 在这些问题上提供支持. 请联络他们: